Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Boyl 2019 Recap

Well it's that time of year where me and Lopez head over to Ol' Blighty for a rousing weekend of wargaming and fun at the Foundry.  Then by chance Blue in VT was able to make it. So here Lopez is sleeping in Heathrow waiting for him.

We arrived at the hotel and alerted the other members of our merry band!

Just catching up on our Oldhammer accelerated reader's
 Friday saw us over at Warhammer World where Whiskey Priest put together a wonderfully chaotic campaign for the day.

Yes I wore a He-man shirt, and Asslessman is just jealous

Oh Lopez is ready!
Everyone getting aquainted
By the Power of Otto von Bismark's mustache!
Paul and Otto look on as Asslessman tries to strech the rules
Andy Hoare stops by to say hi to Blue

The final game pitted everyone's champion and their favorite unit against everyone else for supremacy of the planet. 

We picked the most chaotic table a blood red one
Those Orks are about to get fu...
Lopez can't wait to watch
Paul and Otto antagonizing Erasmus
There can be only one!
Erasmus you are not it.
Asslessman triumphs over all comers
Then off to the biggest buffet I've ever seen
 Saturday saw us at Foundry where I started the day off on Nico's beautiful Space Hulk table with Erasmus, Axiom, and Blue
Isn't it gorgeous!  Head over to his blog if you haven't seen it.
 I had a chance to bust out my Teenage Mutant Ninja Terminators
Nico was a brilliant GM and offered sound advice throughout the game
 After that I had the rest of the morning free where I took in other games before my afternoon of Strontium Dog.

Asslessman man ran a gorgeous Epic Titan game
Cheetor and Tears of Envy played a wonderful 2nd Ed 40K game over a Necron dig site
Thantsants amazing Slann Shrine
Alex Jelley's top tier Wolftime campaign was a wondrous sight all weekend long.
Got to meet Stuntcat at one of them.

It was a treat to see Tytus's Imperial Fist army in person
Harry's amazing Mighty Empire's board
Then it was time for Aiteal's Strontium Dog Hitler Hunt
I managed to win the first round and gained my Badge
StuntCat's other game where he used his Owac army to try to break a Space Marine line
The Golden Gobbo painting contest had some fantastic entries
  Then afternoon saw more Space Hulk

Tears of Envy and Cheetor with the help of Pat fended of Nico's genestealer horde
Next up was me and Lopez taking on Otto von Bismark's Hyborks as we tried to recover the Ork Greenseed
 Saturday evening saw us wrapping up the day with Axioms Ash Waste Race

Here's Lopez jockeying for position, as Curis tries to fill in is race sheet

With Whiskey Priest victorious

Then a night out in Nottingham.

 Sunday saw everyone in top shape ready to get back at it!

Steady Lads!
Erny and Dave's inspiring Warhammer game, a sight to behold!
Got a chance to chat with Trish Carden!
Then finished up the day playing Cheetor's Terminator survivor game.

I played a wrestler
Got up on a building to jump onto some terminators
Found a couple
It did not workout
So took command of the Terminator Flyer and killed 3 of my fellow survivors
Then got shot down by Pat's rocket launcher
It was a real pleasure to see Curis's Psycho Sam waving Old Glory as well. 
  Then it was time to pack my bags and say good by to dear friends at Foundry for the trip back to London.

 As the Three Amigo's headed home....I'm not crying your crying....sniff....sniff


  1. I’m so jealous right now. Seriously, though, thank you for letting the rest of us Yanks live vicariously through you three amigos

    1. Anthony you will ahve to come over one of these days you would absolutely love it!

  2. Fan frikken tastic mate. That looked so fun. Thoroughly jelly.

  3. Fantastic bit of showing, not telling there Airbornegrove, great selection. BOYL really does have more going on than can be engaged in now.

    Great to see you again mec, roll on next time 😎

    1. Thanks man! The great thing is we get to do it again in a few months!

  4. Great to see you again Tom! Can't wait for more wargames overload in 2020 :)

    1. You as well Jon! Looking forward to plugging into the matrix next year.

  5. Mate! It was so good to meet you and the rest of the guys. Glad you had such a great time :D

    1. So glad we got to meet as well, really had fun chatting, and looking at hose beastmen. Hope to see you again next year.

  6. There are things here which Stonewall Street cannot unsee...

    1. Good. LOL Glad we got to hangout, and you got to go storm a castle with Bloo!

  7. Cracking pictures report, I'm realy glad to met you in the flesh! And I suppose it not the last time. Great week end for us and the community!

    1. Nico it was so great to meet in person as well!!! Such a delight,and you ran such an amazing games. Yes we will have to have another meetup, would be amzing to get our chaos armies together on the table.

  8. Wow! you really made the most of the weekend!!

    Great to shake hands and have a brief chat on Sunday. I tried to get in and have a look at your Terminator game on Sunday but the place was rammed.

    1. It was the right amount of action for me. LOL Really nice meeting you as well. I'm hoping to get a chance to chat a bit more next year.

  9. Looks like it was an amazing weekend, my man!

    1. Indeed....gonna have to drag you over there one of these years!

  10. Great wrap-up. Thanks for sharing all the pics from some amazing games.

    However, I'm off for some eyebleach from the first couple 'o pics... ta' ta'

  11. Looks excellent. Foundry is such a great venue!

  12. Woah - need me one of them He Man Tshirts! Cracking write up and always good to see you boys over here for BOYL - lovely surprise to see old Blue too. Got to go now and google that there Brazzers... ;)

    1. HAHAHA make sure the wife isnt around. You should get one, they have a Man at Arms and Skeletor one as well. ;) Glad we got to chat and get Blue over as well. I'd like to get a night and hang with the Newark crowd next year, hopefully get a few pints with you.

    2. Aye - figured it might be NSFW ;) I'll have to search a Skeletor one out for sure! That sounds great - we've found a roomier pub than the Organ Grinder now so a few pints down the Prince Rupert next year would be great. Just been suggesting to Blue that we should maybe get a US V. the Brits game going on next year if you've room in the schedule for it? The Battle for Fort Ticonderoga looks ripe for the Orc's Drift treatment and wouldn't need a high miniature count to play possible scenarios...

    3. That sounds amazing! I’d totally be down for something like that.

    4. Steve that's a superb idea.

      Let's have a chat about it at NOTLL in October!

    5. Nice one - I'll start firming up a scenario and collecting twigs to make the fort. You down for a whole day's gaming or would you rather be a bit more flexible - I know you Murricans need to make the most of your time while you're over here!

      Thought you might be interested in this Streety!

    6. Great stuff - I'll begin firming up a scenario and collecting twigs to make the fort! Thought you might be interested in this Streety! ;)

    7. I’m fine with a half days worth of gaming Saturday afternoon or morning, or Sunday morning.

    8. Now I got to figure out how to get my ponies over!!!🤔

  13. Dammit, this is pure awesomeness. It certainly looks like a great weekend! So jealous!

    1. It was the best one yet! Hope next year can top it!!!!

  14. Thanks for the report! Had to be an amazing event. You mention Erny and Dave's Warhammer game, there is any chance to get more pics of the Empire army? I mean do you know if his commander has a blog or so? Cheers!

    1. There is Erny’s: http://ernysplace.blogspot.com/?m=1
      And Dave’s: http://snickitstail.blogspot.com/?m=1

  15. Great recap Airborne! You got all the highlights and I learned people's online personas. Definitely making a name tag for next time. That way people can avoid me intentionally. ;)
