Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Black Vasken’s Untamed Beasts

G'day M8's today's post is gonna be a little beasty!!! Hope your ready. ;)

Yupp I got my Untamed Beasts done. for Warcry!

It helped that I had Snarf already done and that decided the color scheme for me.  Snarf is going to proxy as my Rock Tusk Prowler.

 Vasken my Eternal Champion was already built.  Here he is painted as my Heart Eater.

I decide to make Kissy Snake's mom standout a bit different from the rest of the band.  So no skeleton paint for her and went with the green snake look from my inspiration pic.  She will be a Plains Runner in game.

Next up we have my converted Godsworn Hunters.  The big guy in the middle is going to be a Preytaker with fanged axe, and the other two are going to be Plains Runners.

I've decided take advantage of the low points cost of Plainsrunners so here are the other three with some headswaps from  Wulfen and Daemonette bits.

My Beastspeaker is built as is and is the only model to come out intact from the original concept.

I had a few points left over so could add one more Plains Runner.  I had this feral goblin sculpted by Kev Adams laying around and gave him a proper weapon, belt buckle, and raptoryx skull. 

 He reminds me of the scout at the beginning of Conan and thought he fit perfectly with the rest of the warband.

 So stay week these guys get their first outing!  Now to get busy making some custom card for them. 


  1. Seriously, I love these. Crazy barbarian "others" to see cresting a hill, ready to pillage your town.

    Looking forward to seeing them in hand!

  2. Your world-building skills and storytelling are inspired. Nicely done!

  3. Absolutely fantastic. I love how creative you can get with these!

    1. They were a lot of fun! Halloween and day of the dead stuff helped push it in that direction. Appreciate it Suber.

  4. Kissy Snake has a mom? I thought he have birth to himself, ouroboros style.

    Great looking band! Looking forward to seeing some reports with these decpaitating their foes.

    1. No he definitely has a mom. Don't worry there will be plenty of reports.

  5. AW man, I love how they all got the Vasken treatment in their paint jobs. So frikken cool.

    Kissy Snake's mom is hot. I'd do her.

  6. Nice skeleton pattern, but my favourite is Kissy Snake's mom.

    1. I’m really digging her too. Finally got some games in yesterday as well.

  7. This is a great warband! I should have taken a closer look at the individual figures, but the force as a whole work really well together. You really show how you can make Warcry your own.

    1. I'm going to make a warband with oldhammer minis next i think. You can use it for hwoever you need it I think.
