Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Knights of Blood: Chaos Dwarf Blood Dragons

A private commission to get some Blood Knights for my mounted chaos dwarf army.

Ever since I saw Rob Hawkins converting some Blood Knights last Halloween the idea just bored itself into my brain.

So what's a guy to do for a mounted chaos dwarf army?

Well get some chaos dwarf Blood Knight heads commissioned by the amazing John Pickford that's what!

I obviously had to use these on  White Knights / TAG's excellent miniatures to keep everything matching.

 John worked off some amazing sketches done by my good friend Mustafa of Spevna Studio.
I wanted Vampire, Banshee, Wight, Mummy and a Zombie.

Midway through the project the Banshee was just not we decided to switch that one to a Liche. If you notice John has sculpted the dragon crests to be doing what the rider is doing.  A lovely little touch. 

I'd had the banner, pennants, and ponies done since around Christmas.  That way when I got the heads I could start right in.  I painted the ponies to look like little battle cats.

The capes are from Spell Crow and added that last little touch to tie the dragon theme together.

The Jaw Bridge lowers as the evil Chaos Dwarf Blood Knights come forth!

Dustimas leads his Blood Dragons out of Blood Keep for another raid! 

Next up will be the excellent Paint a Trish contest, and then a foot version of Black Vasken you might have spied in the pics above.  ;)  Then hopefully LAF's Noresmian Nights has shipped by then. 


  1. Wow, that's a hell of a lot of work and planning for a single unit.

    It must be immensely satisfying to have them done. They look fantastic in your vivid style too.

    Raising the bar again...

    1. Thanks buddy! Ya it was a lot of work, but well worth the effort! Can't wait to get them on the table top now.

  2. Epic project, and they look fantastic. The Oldhammer is strong in you

    1. Thanks man! Lopez has convinced me to bump it up to 3000 points now. So might do 4 more in the future.

  3. Output like this feels like it's a hugely successful and tightly planned project involving a selection of specialist craftspeople. Seeing Mustafa's concepts sculpted by John and painted by you is a collaboration of the highest order! They are a unique and wonderful unit.

    1. Thanks Jon. I’m so proud of this little project it’s got me wanting to do more now. It helps Having John and Mustafa go above and beyond.

  4. We would've never dreamt something like this was even remotely possible back when we were kids. Fast forward to the internet age and far fetched dreams can actually come to fruition.

    Excellent stuff Grove :)

    1. Having friends like this opens so many avenues with the help of the inter web of course. Glad you like them Papa.

  5. Great idea, and brilliantly executed !I so like seeing ideas like this come to fruition

    1. Appreciate it Dave, such a fun project to bring to the table top.

  6. It's a fucking impressive unit and definitely worth all the effort !

  7. Fantastic work! They certainly are a unit to be mighty proud of.

    1. Thanks Bryan! Glad you like them, and ya I’m pretty proud of what we accomplished.

  8. Beautiful work of both you, Mustafa and John. Great job, all round. And Thomas, as you might know I'm a bit of a Pickford fan boy so I'd like to ask permission to document these awesome pieces on the wiki I run about John's work. Would you allow me doing that? All credit to all people involved, of course? All the best, Ewal Clam

    1. Ah thanks Clam! I was hoping you would like them. Feel free to document them as you need too.

    2. Well, not sure a Pickford piece exist that I don't like, but these here are stunning and makes a very unique unit in your army. And thank you for allowing me using your material. Very kind of you.

    3. No worries. Let me know if you need any other pics or anything.

  9. Awwwww yeah! These guys are looking great, dude!

    1. Thanks man! I had hoped to have them at Cold Wars for the big reveal. But no dice.

  10. Those are freaking awesome! I love the facial expressions those zombie dwarfs have!

    1. Oh ya each one is it’s own little character! It’s fantastic!

  11. Added this page to the private commissions - - thank you
