Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Marauder Unicorn/Pegasus Conversion - Make a Trish !

Make a Trish!  Well what's it all about eh? 
Asslessman over at Leadplague had the awesome idea to run a contest where everyone paints an old sculpt of Trish Carden.

  I just so happened to be in the process of converting a Marauder Unicorn and  Pegasus into a rearing Unicorn so the timing was perfect. 
After a little sawing and greenstuff work I got busy.
The whole reason for having him rearing is I'm make a foot version of my Chaos General Black Vasken.  You can kinda see him in progress there in the picture below.

So the scheme was an easy match to the already painted mount Kringer.

Here he is being all mustang stallion in the mountain vistas around Graveskul.

A fun project for the month of April, really looking forward to seeing what all the other entries come up with.  Next up the finished foot version of Black Vasken, then LAF Noresmian Nights.


  1. First! Fine looking pegacorn you got there ya nutcase. :D

  2. Looks great, really like the day of the dead style colour scheme on him.
    If you haven't noticed I've moved blogs now from the one you were following, there is a link on the old one if your interested

    1. Thanks Dave, and thanks for alerting me on your new blog. I have that sorted now. ;)

  3. I love the idea of painting the skeleton in the unicorn, and you did a great job painting it too!

  4. Great declination of that mount ! I like having several versions of a single character !

    1. Thanks JB. If I don't go all out for Vasken or Kringer what does that say about my hobby. ;)

  5. Toally cool! I love what you did here, inspiring!!

  6. This is great! You've done a great job reworking the legs – intimidating to rework musculature when there's no armour plates or straps to hide behind! I also like how as it's an evil unicorn you've put it into black rather than white.

    1. Thanks Curis...I was slightly nervous about how he would end up. But I'm getting better at greenstuff work. ;) Ya the black and skeleton warpaint is a really fun look for him. ;)
