Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Cold Wars Comic Report!

Had a chance to visit Cold Wars this year.  I found it more to my liking then Historicon for the fact that it is a bit less crowded which allows for more open gaming.  


The Host/Wyndam Resort is still in a severe state of construction though what they have complete shows fantastic promise for the future look.  Also they have switched all the tables in open gaming to plastic white tables and improved the lighting which made for higher quality photos.

Thursday saw me visiting with Robert Duffey and enjoying a fantastic battle of 4th ed!  Empire and Dwarves vs Orcs, Goblins and Chaos.....hmmm might have given me inspiration for our battle report. ;)

Friday saw some heavy gaming with Blue and Dustin.  Time for the comic!

Stay tuned for the next exciting episode!


  1. Fantastic batrep and paintjobs. Eye candy everywhere!

    1. Thanks Skully! I try to make it worth the read. ;)

  2. Those were some great games, dude! I'm glad we were able to team up and put Blue's stunties to rout!

  3. I always enjoy your comic batreps and this was so entertaining. Good work, Tom!

  4. Love the report! Thanks for sharing your pics of the event with us!

    After reading this I feel like maybe I should say "no" to drugs for some reason...? Not sure how I'm going to manage my blood pressure without them, but whatevs....

  5. Oh no, Blue lost....again :DDDDD

    Looks like a great four way game there Grover. The sweeping shot of the table in the third photo looks great too by the way.

    Cool :)

    1. Thanks Papa! We tried to keep the table aesthetic up which can be hard at a convention, but I think we managed. ;)

  6. I see that Blue and Dustin have sprouted some new ocular chaos mutations since the last time I saw them! Nice report and pictures, thanks for sharing

    1. HAHAHA plus you cant tell if they are looking directly at you now. SMH Thanks buddy. ;)

  7. Haha. I guess those Slayers’ honor never got redeemed...

  8. Reading your reports is always pure happyness.

  9. That table looks great, ESPECIALLY for a convention game. I really like your buildings and I think you've acquired a few more since I saw them last. (..or my just wishful thinking)

    Great game and report as always

    1. I've gotten a few more. ;) Good eye M8. Ya for a convention I was pleased with what we were able to accomplish with the aesthetic. If I had been there all 3 days I wanted to bring my new board. But will save that for the next meetup.
