Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Quarantine Painting Extravaganza

Well G'day ya Drongo's!  Hope you are all hale and hearty.  Been a busy few weeks of hobbying getting  loose ends tied up. 

First up are some Heroquest undead.  Had fun using contrast paints on these and they painted up in no time.

 I also decided to convert another one of my Chaos Dwarf champions.  This one has been blessed with a boars face as he leads the Razorbacks.


Sabick had also requested some banners for the siege game we were meant to play at Cold Wars. 

I also got a chance to finish up my Warcry Warband.  I decided to add in this Grenadier Barbarian Shaman and I think he fits in perfectly.

Now I need to get busy and start working on my convergence's!

This next one is a great model that I was gifted by the Gov.  he even printed me up a cool force field to go with him.

Dont worry we have more gifts as well...this one given out by Axiom at Boyl a nice Elf Merchant.

As well as this Squat Hybrid given to me by Paul Ede.  I thought the Godsworn Hunt dog would be a great companion for him.

More Normesian Nights merchants...I wonder if there is a town that the would live in???

Last but not least...Lopez sent me this Warcry Objective set for Christmas and got a few of them painted up! 

I especially like the floating soul rock.  These will really had some flavor to the tabletop to fight over.


  1. the floating rock is awesome! Where did it come from (or is it an original creation?)

    1. Here you go Sleepy...

  2. Impressive output Tom...well done!

  3. Big, big bravo for everything! Wow, you got my eye from the first pic to the very last one!

  4. Good work. I’m painting up my 1st ed Space Hulk set right now. Once it’s done, I’m going to hit up Heroquest. Need to lure my kids to the hobby somehow

    1. Funny you should say that. I got the Genestealers dine awhile back, and I just prepped the Terminators might get at them next week. Played Heroquest with Willow the other day she loved it, your kids should really enjoy it. Can't wait to see your paint work.

  5. So much stuff I can't decide which one I like better.

    Blue undead are super fun looking. Won't comment on anything painted red tho. I came from a time when it it *has* to be red :)

    I dig the squat hybrid the most: after all Nids ate the whole squatkind. Now that's liking tiny men to an extreme.

    As Suber said, Bravo.

    1. Ya I'm excited to get him finished. He kind of got pushed to the side when the Heroquest undead started off so good.

  6. All very cool and fun to pore through. THat Shaman is my fav of the bunch though, perfect for Vasken's lot.

  7. I am shamed by my pitiful output compared to yours.
    That gunslinger has a brass/copper look that I would never have thought of.

    Great expo!

    1. Ya but you are prolly printing everything on thingaverse 😂

  8. I'm always in awe before the richness of your colour palette.

  9. Great work being the first to get the Squat Hybrid painted! You machine!

    1. I was doing well, then I got distracted. I’ll work on him next tho

  10. Your use of colour makes me long for the old days of White Dwarf.

  11. Like Sinewgrab, I am floored by your use of colour. I wish I had the... I don't know what it is... bravery? insanity? dash? ... anyways, I wish I had whatever makes you reach for that pot of bright blue paint when you go to paint a zombie.

    1. Hahahaha I dont know what it is ether, but I'm glad people enjoy it. I know its not a cliche answer but it just comes natural most of the times it works...sometimes its a complete disaster lmao. So glad to see you back blogging. I need to get back to it as well, I've been slacking for a few weeks.
