Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Monday, February 25, 2019

Deathwing'n It take 2!

So I did this same exact post almost 4 years ago.  Again I'm updating my Death Wing, which sadly barely sees the table.  But Man I love this army!  It's what got me back into the Hobby back in 2005 and was my gateway into all things Oldhammer.  But never fear I'm getting back into the Wing of things.

It happened by chance when I did a random google search and saw the new Space Marine Heroes Series 2.

I had to have the guy with the Lightning Claws and the Banner.  I planned on putting Rogue Trader heads on both.  While I was at it, I updated the Chaplains head to a Rogue Trader Chaplain skull which is way cooler.


 They are now organized more or less with the original plan I had from Vanus Temple, one shooty squad with 2 close combat squads with 2 dreads supporting them.  The Chaplain is now the leader being a small force I didn't think the chapter master needed to be there with them.

So an Interrogator Chaplain leading a small force, with a Color Sergeant leading the shooty squad and a visual fall back for the troops if they need to retreat, and the other new hero leading Squad 2

One of the close assault squads has an apothecary.  Both of these squads should be close enough he can aid any of the fallen....erm bad choice of words for Dark Angels lol.

While I was at it I retro statted them to Mid Rogue Trader-2nd Ed.  They wont be teleporting so quite a bit of points reduction there.  I also dislike most of the vehicle rules so statted the Dreads as Veteran Sergeants with lightning claws and a flamer.

I spruced up the paintjobs adding more caution stripes and rebasing them to make the miniatures a bit more dynamic.

I made my own bases out of leftover cardboard glued to mdf.  They turned out much better then I was expecting.

I took the time to name each miniature, and add rogue trader graffiti as well.

 Hope you likes the new results, I know I do and plan on getting these on the table in the next few weeks at a meetup with a couple buddies.

*edit  just realized I forgot to touch up the banner so those little mistakes should be sorted by now.


  1. Great looking project. I think the bases you made look really good. Looking forward to a battle report featuring these guys.

    1. Thanks man! It's gonna be awesome getting them out for a game.

  2. They look absolutely terrific, I love them. The RT heads work much better than I could have thought of!

    1. Thank Suber. I was surprised how well they worked too. I'm very happy with the results.

  3. Awesome. Great conversions, very nice painting. The bases look good. Teleporting terminators are far too expensive in 2nd ed. ... I wonder if anyone ever actually paid the points to make it happen?

    1. Ya i can't believe it doubled the points value. I don't mind foot slogging these across the table. LOL The ones that make it will be very angry. HAHAHAHA

  4. Very nice work. Your paint scheme really gives them that desolate 40k groove...

  5. love the mash up of old and new

  6. Great project, conversions and painting job!
    Well done at every points !!
    I love :)

  7. I really like the first shot of the Deathwing squad with the rear members bathed in blue light. Lovely work. Glad to see you painting some more of these lads.

    1. Thanks Curis...I’ve really enjoyed playing around with different lights. It’s a fun army, should have a comic report for them in a few weeks.

  8. How is it nobody notice Krang !? Eeeevil brains from space!

    Rogue tradeish excellence!

  9. A smashing bit of work they look fab :)

  10. Your bases are so clever! That saved a fortune over resin.
