Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentines Day!

Thing have been industrious around the hobby room, but nothing is ready to show off quite yet. I'm re-visiting my Death Wing army. The reason being the Space Marine Heroes Series 2 is terminators, and I just had to have the Lightning Claws, and Standard Bearer. I've given them both Rogue Trader era heads, and have also reworked the Chaplain.

With that I also needed to update the bases, and decided to make my own scenic ones with leftover cardboard.

Finally...shock I know....but I am doing one more Chaos Dwarf Knight unit....the horses are done, just waiting on some conversion bits for the heads and should have them done in the coming weeks.

Stay tuned. ;)


  1. Those cardboard bases are pretty intriguing. How is their durability? I have have made some base toppers from paper, but since they were mostly flat to the plastic, there was not anything to catch on something else (and they had super glue and paint coatings anyway).

    And those terminators are rad.

    1. Thanks! They seem to be holding up alright. I dropped one already and he didn’t break off.

  2. Nice...loving those termi conversions in particular.

  3. Lots of doing going on here. Too bad you don't have a box to post on the internet to talk about how you're going to paint the figure inside.
