Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Count Grabbo's Henchmen

G'day M8's!  As you know Count Grabbo has really upped his villainous intentions for Graveskul.  With his new army he needs henchmen that will lead his mobz of zombies forth.

What mooks will he recruit?

 First up is this nunchuk wielding gutter punk.  He looks like he just walked off the set of Thriller.

 Taking the theme of his nunchuk chains. He has accessorized with moawr chains on his belt, and uncomfortably under his armpit.

 With that shit eating grin he likes to trip the local book bots, and commit other acts of thuggery.

 Becoming a henchmen for Count Grabbo is the next rung in the ladder of mookdom.  Do us proud you nunchuk wielding mad man!

 But that's not all!  Count Grabbo has recruited a couple other henchmen.  The Notorious Drekker Dundee, and his side kick Buffalo Bull.

As well as some gutter skank with a mohawk, sporting an eye patch.  How can she hit anything when closes her good eye to aim?  

Let's not forget the lovable Orken-Stein either! Count Grabbo's new right hand man erm beast.  If he doesn't get you the zombies will. 

 Orken-stein...had to have him.  You can get him from Max Mini.  I'm going to use him as Count Grabbo's sidekick.  Then maybe do a spin off of Venture-stein from the Venture Brothers.




So with that Count Grabbo has pulled this rag tag crew of henchmen together to lead his zombie horde.  At times he wonders if the zombies shouldn't be leading them.  If only he could get the communications going again to the Fourth Reich hiding in Sektor Sechs.  Stay tuned for moawr adventures where zombies die in droves, and count Grabbo and his henchman are foiled at every turn. Remember to "Live Angry"  so you too can be a zombie in Count Grabbo's army LOL


  1. Oh boy, I am really loving this faction! They are all cool figures but my favourite simply has to be Orken-stein. He is frigging awesome!

    1. Thanks Bryan. Orken-stein is so great he will be able to add a lot of narrative to scenarios I think. ;)

  2. Grabbo needs a Vampirella counterpart to carry his notes.

    Good stuff mate!

    1. Ha, ha, ha! Yeah, I can just see Vampirella trudging around carrying his notes! :-)

    2. Omg Vamperilla Secretarial Assistant. I will start looking for a suitable mini lol

    3. If I can track down that Horrorclix Vampirella that might fit the idea. 😉

    4. Effin sweet! Can't wait to see this. :)

  3. Oi! Those look damn good! I love them!

  4. Now you need the S&M sax player from Lost Boys to complete the 80s punk feel of those models!

  5. Replies
    1. HAHAHA We are gonna see a lot more of Orkenstein. ;)

  6. So much variety and creativity, but your coherent painting style pulls them all together. fantastic

  7. ORK-N-STEIN!!!! Sweet! Vampirella would be sweet too.
