Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Welcome New Followers!!!

So we are creeping very close to 100 public followers!  I never dreamed of that many people being interested in in my hobby time, but there it is.  I just wanted to say that I appreciate each and everyone of you, no matter if you comment or not.

I have noticed a recent influx of new followers, and thought I would take the time to say hey:  Ryan Kirk, Dai Dead, Christian Schwager, StuntCat, Jonathan Marshall, londoninflames, simondavies116, welcome to the blog!

As for our regularly scheduled program.  I have several things in the works, with that being said hobby time has ground to a slow crawl.  Football season is here which really wrecks my motivation, also the family business is starting to enter the busy season.  Oh and the thing that is taking up most of my free time at the moment is Tree of Savior, I really can't get enough of this game.

So fret not my dear comrades we will have new paint pics and comic reports before you know it!

Tell next time...Keep it Old Skool Dawgs!


  1. More followers than that. I don't think I show up as a follower on any blogs since they killed Google Reader and I switched to using Feeedly (which is easier to manage on mobile phones.)

  2. Well that's interesting 0-23...;). I knew you had mentioned following but didn't see you in the recent adds. Makes more sense now. Welcome to you as well good sir!

  3. Well deserved Airborne. They also sort of pushed the Google Friend connect into the background in favor of Google+ integration so a lot of people starting blogs now don't even know about the former. I always try to follow using friend connect and try and follow people back. One thing to be aware of with feedly. Besides not showing up as a follower you also don't show up as a page view unless you navigate to the page. Doing the "read more" page break thing can nudge people to actually navigate to your page. I mostly forget to do that these days but I'm less hung up on page view stats since the one that comes with blogger reads every bot crawl as a page view. As for keeping it old skool? Woof!

    1. Thanks for the info Sean. Why they gotta make it so hard for us all to hangout...LOL

  4. Read about your blog on JB's Lead Plague blog. It's a community and we show eachother cool stuff we've found.

    Glad I stopped by - you have talent and paint interesting things. I'll be back fo' sho'.

    1. Awesome Dai I really appreciate it. I will have a lot in the works. ;)
