Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Monday, April 4, 2016

Crossblog Painting Exchange

So awhile back my good friend BulldogLopez  asked me if I wanted to paint a miniature for him and then likewise he would paint one for me.  Well here is the figure I sent him, with his brand spanking new paint job.  I will let him show is of course. ;)

This little guy had been on my want list for quite awhile.  I finally got him tracked down.  It wasn't much longer when Bulldog contacted me about his wild idea.  I actually had a bit of painter apprehension with this goblin, so I sent him.  I knew that anything I painted on him would not live up to my standard, so things worked out perfectly.  As I simply adore the paint scheme.

This was a fun little side project.  It might be something we do on a more regular basis, and possibly get some other bloggers involved as well. 


  1. Fantastic! I love the figure, never seen him before. Great little sculpt and I love the scheme and all the little details.

    1. Thanks Sean! Lopez did an awesome job on the scheme. I would have mucked it up if I had tried it myself. ;)

  2. He looks great! I like the oxidised armour & his red nose. Way cool :)

    1. Thanks! I really like that too! Bulldog really went the extra mile for me.

  3. Great idea and good work on painting!
    Some time ago I had a pleasure to participate in several minis exchanges on Chest of Colors forum, it was just great for all painters involved.
    Hope to see more of those coming and maybe to exchange a model sometimes ;-)

    1. For sure! We have lot's of ideas. Life needs to quit being busy for us so we can get some cool hobby stuff done. LOL

  4. Nothing like group projects in the hobby, loving this little guy !

    1. They are the best! Can't wait to do a post on your knight. ;)

  5. Very nice indeed! I know it was a struggle to get ahold of this must be happy to have him in hand and painted so well!

    1. Don'tcha know it! I just wish I could scrounge up some wolf riders for you dawg! ;)
