Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

21 Genestealers in 21 days

G’day Drongo’s!  So where am I at with the genestealers? 🤷🏻‍♂️  I have 21 left to get done for early November. So I’ve committed to the goal of doing 21 in 21 days. I figured I could get in an hours worth of painting of an evening . Well I’m way ahead of schedule and I might actually get all 21 done in a week or 2.

Here are 11 in three stages of batch painting I’ve got done the last three evenings. Contrast paints are mostly to thank, and making the commitment of 60 mins of painting has upped my production.

Then I have 10 more sitting unpainted. I think over the next three evening I can get them up to the stage of the other 11.
I might have them all done this weekend if not by the end of next week.
Committing to 60 mins of painting every evening has been a lot of fun as well. I’ve set a daily timer to remind me so if you find yourself getting distracted instead of hobbying I encourage you to try something similar. 


  1. A solid plan! Looking forward to seeing these completed!

  2. Looks like your well on your way to reaching your target and more

  3. Good luck, i can paint 1 genestealer in 21 days :)

    1. Hahahaha...they wont be my best work, but they will be done

  4. Damn, they look like the 'Eavy Metal ones on my Space Crusade box. I used to regard them for hours when I was a kid. Great job!

  5. God knows how deep is my love for the old stealer minis but painting so many identical minis is a grind my sanity can't afford.

    Take a deep breath before going for it dude.

  6. Top work!! Good luck getting them done

  7. You'll easily get them done. I think making some time each day is a smart move. I'm trying out contrast right now. I'm still on the fence about it.

    1. Word. Why you on the fence about them?

    2. Yup, I'm also interested why Sean in on the fence... I feel so lonely here, pretty much everyone's liking them but few 'pro' YouTubers and me so would love to compare his reasons with mine.
