Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Christmas Comic Carnival: Campaign Game One

The campaign has begun!  The first game is played and ready for you in a wonderful comic report.  If you are not sure what I'm blabbering on about do have a look here and here

I rolled up a raid and capture for my first scenario.  An unusual character has appeared in the wastes.  A small girl who claims to be from another place.  she meets Vollrath and his band of chaos dwarfs along with Nigel deep in the jungle.  Vollrath is quite taken with this little time traveler and ask her to join his band.

Meanwhile Slaggo Mad Mort's wizard has senses the disturbance, and tells Mad Mort he should go and capture her.  He sets out with a large contingent and tracks Vollrath and Scarlet to a camp in some ancient ruins.  With no where to go Vollrath forms a defense but knows their chances are slim.

Scarlet pulls out a small device and says she will handle it with a wink.  Dreads eyes slam open, where did that voice come from?  "Yo We'n Trble Come Qk!  All she knew was Vollrath and Nigel were connected to this message.  She alerts Vasken to send a releif column into the jungle in search of the dwarf band.

Things are about to get Ka-razy!  Enjoy. ;)

Yes indeed what powers does Scarlet hold?  We will find out has the saga continues.

This game was played using Donnybrook rules with a couple small tweaks.  I think I am going to have to make a couple more after talking with Quindia, but they will only make the game feel more Warhammery.

This is the first time I have used the rules to their full extent and let me say they hold up even with a bit of hacking.  I am really impressed with these rules.  And with a few reviews already for Rogue Stars coming in as poor, I can say this is a great alternative with a little imagination. ;)

Vollrath's unit having captured a banner get's a units bonus.  I rolled it up and they gained foremost getting a +2 to their maneuver roll.  Vasken was also entitled to a new territory and rolled a river crossing.  Which will allow him to field Three Names Thunderers my chaos dwarf cavalry.

And there you have it my first campaign with using Donnybrook.  If you have any questions about the campaign feel free to ask.  ;)


  1. Love it. I found a few of the old WD (211,213 and 214) for Thorskinson's Island. I can't find 212 but i think I get the idea fro the other three. May have some extra money after the holidays to give Donnybrook a go.

    1. Yes those are some great issues! You totally's a fun rule set. ;)

  2. Super work. Did you play the game against an opponent, or solo play? (no sexual innuendo intended!)

    1. Hey this is the trust tree...innuendo away. LMAO Ya I played it solo. Thanks ;)

    2. I'm intrigued. Need to look into Donnybrook in that case

  3. Nice first battle to setup the campaign. Can't wait for the secon... oh wait it's already posted!
    Gotta go read it! Woot!

    1. Thanks Major. Oh the second won't be for a bit. These other holiday reports are my back log from Monolith con.

    2. Dang it, now I'm completely thrown off.
      I'm so mad i'm gonna have to go kill some Nazis....
      Oh wait...

    3. Sorry :( you totally should oh wait lol you did.

  4. That looks great, Thomas! For anyone interested in more Donnybrook Warhammer, I'll have a report up sometime early next week...

    1. Thanks Clarence. Looking forward to yours as well. ;)

  5. What a smashing report! That little girl is in some nefarious hands tho... i fear for her sanity

    1. Thanks Dai. I know right? We will see how she fares. 😉

  6. The battle read very fluidly, I imagine the game played in a similar fashion? I like a lot of maneuvering and gaining and losing ground in a battle game, it seems to fit the bill! Let's see what happens next...

    1. I hoping to have that played very soon. Ya Donnybrook is fast becoming my go to ruleset. It can be it's own game....or even be meshed in to any of our Oldhammer rules with a little tweaking. I did some small tweaks for the next time....I'm intreseted to see how it works in the next game.
