Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Build up for Monolith-Con

So I have been feverishly working since Oldhammer day to get things ready for the coming weekend.  Monolith-Con or more aptly put Blue and Bulldog coming to the Midwest for a bit of Oldhammering in my basement.  LOL

A few months ago I had bought Castle Grayskull on a whim, and also the Frightzone when I saw how decently priced they were.  I knew I just had to get them ready for the game weekend.  For the past three weeks I have pretty much put all free time on hold to create this monstrosity.  It adds another 4x4 section to the terrain I already have built giving me 4x10 of gaming space.

Also in the whirlwind that was Oldhammer weekend me and Bloo didn't get a chance to try Full Tilt.  Which kind of worked out as I really didn't have a knight yet specifically for that.  Well that has all changed now.  I give you PwnStar Panzerlance my Full Tilt knight. ;)

Then Bulldog has been talking about playing some modern scenarios.  I have always like the LAM Alpha Team and they are a right mix of modern and Rogue Trader to fit in both worlds.  So I picked them up after seeing this paintjob on LAF and used it for my scheme inspiration.

by Curt

Do be on the look out over the next couple weeks as I plan on having several comic reports from the coming weekends shenanigans.


  1. I just want you to know that I've been crying pretty constantly since finding out I wasn't invited to monolith con. I thought we had something special, Grove.

  2. How did you make those rocky outcrops? Spray foam stuff?

    Love the use of the Greyskull, etc. Makes for such a cool and fun setup! Would love to play on something like that.

    Modern troops certainly look the part. Who will they be pitted against?

    1. Not sure who they will be fighting yet. The outcrops are just canned spray foam insulation. I get mine from menards. You want to let it dry then spray a sealer over it. If not if it gets wet after it will expand slowly and cause gaps.

  3. I personally am looking forward to attending Monolith-Con also. Noone is as monolithic as me. Many people are saying this.

  4. You win the internets for "PwnStar Panzerlance". LOL/WTF? Where did you even begin to think of that name? My 13 year old cracks up every time he says it.

    That's some awesome new terrain there.
    Is Castle Greyskull the homebase of Black Vasken, or does it have another purpose?

    HAve a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Major!
      Not sure on who will rule there yet. But it's a nice backdrop to the battles so far.
      PwnStar PanzerLance came about from several days of searching many diffrent name generators and a little switcharoo from myself and boom there you have it. ;) Glad you and your son like it.

  5. Replies
    1. Ya buddy! Glad to have you back in the blogosphere

  6. Gak! So much awesomeness in just one single post!!
