Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Friday, October 7, 2016

Oldhammer Weekend Giant Mega Battle Report Extrvaganza

 Zero Twentythree had been discussing bringing his giant only army to Oldhammer weekend.  I jumped at the chance to take on the challenge of facing this mighty horde.

Looks at those stats!  Strength 7's, Toughness 6's, 5-6 wounds! A variety of powerful attack combo's. This was going to be epic, and I was not disappointed.

Read a long with me my friends.  It's is a tale of legendary proportions.  As Black Vasken the Tattered Prince and his Goonie Hordes battle with Big Dick's Giant Gang.


This game was loads of fun if you couldn't tell.  Even with picking the giants attacks, there was so much variety over the turn you honestly couldn't predict what would happen.  One turn my little soldiers would save, the next a whole unit would disappear.  I'm hoping Zero Twentythree won't mind giving a short commentary in the comments on his thoughts. ;)  Until next time my friends...we will have an Oldhammer Weekend picture dump!


  1. This is exactly what Oldhammer is all about! Excellent post, and excellenter comic!

  2. This was an awesome read. Thoroughly enjoyed it

  3. Hilarious! Great idea and loads of fun reading it!

  4. You've given me an idea! hold tight!

  5. Awesome!! Thanks for the shout out too!

  6. After thoroughly enjoying the batrep myself, I shared this with my 13 year old so. He thought it was so awesome he is still referencing Waltraud face down in the toilet! You win the internets for the next two weeks. :)

    Yep, still diggin' the potty humor at this stage of my life...

    1. LOL That is Awesome Major! Glad you both enjoyed it. Potty humor does make for entertaining comic reports. LMAO

  7. Twas an epic struggle...I'm glad you came out on the good end of your Giant encounter...mine was less..."satisfying" :(

    1. Rusty's giant is full of meta! I really thought, and had full intentions of getting wrecked. I had all these plans for a lamenting battle report swimming through my head, and then I won, well everyone wins in Oldhammer, but you know what I mean. I couldnt beleive the dice finally swung in my favor. But it was an amazing game. Entertaining from first to last turn. ;)

  8. Great report. I love the idea of the blog promos interspersed as adds. I may steal that soon. And thanks for including mine. On to prepare for the next Oldhammer Weekend!

  9. EPIC! Full on alcoholic giants, pig throwing and chaos victory! What more could one ask for? I've included my 7.50 and 34.00 shipping for the giants skull. Cheers!

    1. You got it buddy! Will ship it out shortly. My mail lady is not going to like all the gore dripping and cloud of flies. ;)
