Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Friday, August 14, 2015

Oldhammer Weekend USA: The Frog Hunt

The frog hunt was ran on Friday in 2 installments by Brian Kirkell.  I started playing in the first game, but had to excuse myself.  I'm glad I got to play in the late knight..see what i did  Brian kept us up till 3am with his amphibious shenanigans.

My knight looked to be the early favorite for raking in the most frogs, till Fredrick Kober's wizard cast a spell of immobility.  With that my fate was sealed, as the frog descended on me and I couldn't raise my giant club to bash their little froggy heads. ;)

It was an excellent scenario run by Brian, more to come from him later with the grand Alamo report. ;)


  1. Nice report, I especially like the cover and the end page, very noir. I'm looking forward to the Alamo. I'm not sure if I'll do one for that. I was popping in and out, taking pictures at random.

    1. Thanks Sean. Ya the Alamo one is going to be a big report. I took a lot of pics for that one.

  2. Wow, this one ends so tragically !

    1. Ya I was really tearing the frogs up....then I wasn't and I died. LOL It was so Oldhammer.

  3. So what rules set were you using with spells of immobility? I don't remember a straight up imobility spell in 3rd.

    1. We used 3e. I think the actual spell was enfeeble, or mind steal. I can't remember which. I just tried to make the story a little more cinematic. ;)
