Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Oldhammer Weekend USA: Day 2 and 3 recap

So I am trudging along with all the comic reports as we got to play a lot!  So till I get those up you will have to make do with these random shots I took through out the day Saturday and Sunday. ;)

Front Row L-R:  Chris Bulldog Darrin Fishkiller Lopez De Las Casas Aguilar Escobar 1LT, USA, Ret.(Stolen Valor), BlueIn VT, H. Kirkell, Weazil (on computer), Me, Lissane Lake. Second Row L-R: Dustin, N. Wood, Orclord, Sean (hiding), F. Kober (covering Sean), J. Kirkell, B. Kirkell.  Third Row Back Right: ardyer(salmon shirt), Deathjester25, A.Sayers.

Stay tuned, more to come!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks JB, now to remedy that horrible blog banner, do you know someone who could help me out. ;)

    2. I can help, I'm like super good at copy-pastes with MS Paint !
      Would it be possible to get a name (or alias) fo reach pretty face on teh first pic, we do know some of you but it'd be nice to recognise people and see who was there !

    3. Yup I can get that done this afternoon. ;)

  2. haha...there are some great shots in this lot. Thanks for putting those up!


    1. You got it Blue. I got a bunch more shots of you, Lopez and your shenanigans.

  3. Looks awesome! Great tables, great minis!

  4. Good stuff, I should have taken more pictures. It figures I would stand right behind Scott in the group picture. I also like how you caught my Phat Sag in that one picture. Note to self, bring better fitting shorts or a belt next year. Can't wait to see your comic reports. I'm a little more than half way into my Frog Hunt.

    1. Ya we got some good shots of you Sean. ;)
      I thought you might be hiding for security measures. LOL
      You should have said something I had an extra belt, thought I left mine, bought a new one, then found my old one. Doh!
      Looking forward to the frog hunt report.

  5. Looks like a great time, except for the rules lawyering. Lol

    1. Oh yes that. It really was an unfortunate turn of events. LOL We have a couple more staged hilarity pics throughout the weekend. ;)
