Tuesday, October 15, 2024

More test Fallschirmjagers

 I"ve rounded out the test squad to 8 and think I have my scheme pretty well in order.  Now to start the squads!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Is that a Panzerbüchse or you just happy to see me?

 Narrowing my focus on Fallschirmjagers in Tunisia gives me an opportunity to field Anti-tank rifles.  Which are terrible, but make for entertaining gaming.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tunisian Tiger Tank Support

 I've decided to focus my Fallschirmjager project to Tunisia winter 42-43.  A Sturm Pioneer Battalion fought in the North under the command of Rudy Witzig as well as 2 Battalions of regular Fallschirmjagers in the South under Walter Koch both of Eben Emael fame.  I'm loosely basing my force on the Sturm Pioneers but more on that later, this is about the tiger support.