Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Thursday, June 18, 2020

MM90 Weekly

Here is the next issue of MM90 Weekly, if you'd like to check the previous issues check them out here.

Here we have one of Aly's Eastern inspired Chaos Dwarfs based off of Chaos Warrior #6 from the 1988 Catalog.  He carries a large cleaver ready to hack his foes apart!

This month's Sjoerd's sculpt is of Slambo one of the most iconic Chaos Warriors ever!


  1. Looking great man and I love the bases!

  2. Both are sweet. More great colour choices - keep it up!

  3. YUS
    Old Sculpts and your painting style are a perfect match!

  4. I really dig the bases: size, no lip nor angle sided and the subtle texture doesn't detract from the colorful minis.

    Feels super balanced.

    1. Thanks man! Simple mdf and modelling putty. I feel it goes a long way to tho. The base always finishes the mini. ;)
