Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Painting MM90 Chaos Dwarfs

I got inspired by Clam and Sjoerd as they painted through the Marauder Miniature MM90 Chaos Dwarfs.  I decided to hunt some down and get cracking on them as well! 

Luckily I have a good friend in Nigel Wood who was able to help me out with the bulk of the Marauder dwarfs.

Even better half way through collecting Sjoerd made his own fan sculpts available which filled some of the gaps in the MM90's:  Filling the MM90 gaps pt. 1, Filling the MM90 gaps pt. 2

Once complete I should have a robust 32 little bugger's running around and chopping people at the knees.

I decided to paint the Sorcerer first since he is the first mini in the range and the fact that he has a grenade next to his spell scroll was to fun to pass up.

I also wanted to a paint up one of Sjoerd's so decided on this chap with the big sword (must be over compensating his stature I think)  I really fell in love with this sculpt and plan on him being the leader of the warband.

 I still need to track down 6 of the MM90's but there is time for searching while I work through the others.  Over the next several posts I will showcase one Marauder and one of Sjoerd's  hope you enjoy tagging along!


  1. Love what you are doing here, Thomas. And will be looking forward seeing more.

  2. That's a great collection you got going there, and they're looking great.

  3. Love me some original no silly hat Chaos Dwarves! These are going to look epic.

    That sorcerer is a stonking sculpt and I love the paint scheme, good stuff mate.

    1. Ya all the little extra bits on the sorcerer turn up the volume to 11 on him. ;)

  4. I like your take on these. Very cool figures... I wish I still had mine!

    1. Ya the last six seem to be the most expensive on Ebay atm. I'll hunt them down tho don't worry. ;)

  5. love seeing old old oldhammer stuff still being done.
    great job. i recently got a hold of Chaos Snake Men..never even knew these existed until i got them or even did some research on them to see if they were actaully GW figs.

    1. Oh ya those Snake men are fantastic! You might want to check this article out by my man Crooks:

  6. I wish pics were clickable, wanted to look the really close.

    IMHO it's a blast how you manage to slap 3 primary colours in the same mini and get it to look nice.

    1. Oh that's my bad! I'll get that fixed for you. I really enjoy the limited colors it helps the unit stay cohesive, it can be tricky at times tho. LOL

    2. Yay thanks!

      Now I see em close, are those wooden bases? Somehow I like the straight down edge. I often use self made wooden bases but tend to sand them to an angle.

    3. Good eye, they are in fact laser cut mdf bases. I get them in big buckets from the flames of war/gale force 9 guys at conventions. I like them as yes I feel like it gives me a little extra space on the bases. ;)

  7. Cracking job bud and it'll definitely be a fun project to watch with your vivid paint jobs!

  8. Nice robust paint jobs, they look great on classic figs and the custom line alike. The sorcerer really has an air of menace.

  9. Wonderful force of Chaos dwarfs shaping up here! I hope we can use them in a siege game some time in the not too distant future!!
