Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Warcry: Eternia Champions ep. 3

Drongo's you back for more exciting action?  Well this is going to be a bloody one!

This was the final game of Warcry I got to play against Cheetor's Stormcast Warband the Silverbolts.  It would be a battle to 50% losses

I actually won that one handily.  I'm not gonna like Cheetor's Stormcast warband is very tough, and fighting them in a straight up hand to hand scenario had me worried.  Especially the way the other games had gone.  However knowing I had the advantage of numbers I focused on his less tanky units and squeaked out a solid win right under his nose.  But that in your battle book Cheetor. ;)  LOL


  1. Congrats on the win! Stormcast are annoying anyhow and deserve to lose.

    1. I actually kinda like them. They get the cool gryphounds and aetherwings. But it was nice to get the tactical win for sure. I'm still committed to my Untamed Beasts Plainsrunner horde.

  2. Personally I usually play Warcry as Storm casts.

    They are tanky but have a nightmare with objective based games. The atherwings are a necessity fot that warband.

    1. They are a fun warband. I got beat up the first couple games but the trade off like you said for objectives. I knew I had a better shot at winning those games. I’ll be playing against them for awhile as my daughter is building a warband of gryphounds and aetherwings.

  3. Carnage filled excitement as always. Monolithcon already inspired me to go get the rulebook. Now to just pick a faction.

    1. Wait for the new book up for preorder this weekend too.

  4. These comics always makes me smile.
