Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Monday, January 14, 2019

40K Cactus: DIY Terrain and Blog Contest

G'day M8's, today I take you into the deepest darkest outback...Walmart where I went in to get more glue sticks for my glue gun.  I happened to spy some large foam balls as I turned down the aisle.

I went and had a closer inspection and tucked in the back were some smaller ones that I thought I could turn into the 2nd Ed 40K Deathworld Cacti.  It took me right back to those jungle trails where we lost whole platoons to these nasty buggers. Well if you are brave enough, or at least had a swig of gin you can follow along and see how I made these, and maybe win some for yourself.

I covered the foam in a light modeling paste.

Painted the balls green, and gave them several layers of drybrushing.

Sprayed the toothpicks red, and then gave them a couple layers of dry brushing, and bob's your uncle.

Now airborne didn't you say I might be able to win some of these?  I sure did's blog contest time.  I'm only 20 public followers away from 200, so all you have to do to be in the running is follow my blog and comment on this thread as to what you would do with a set of these if you win them.  Once I reach 200 followers I'll will draw a winner and announce it.

In the meantime if you are an impatient sort I will be selling sets of these for $25.00 USD + 14.00 Shipping US.  That gets you 8 plants shipped right to your doorstep made by your best old pal airbornegrove26.   Just e-mail me at airbornegrove26 at hotmail dot com or pm me on Facebook from all Oldhammer pages.

These could be yours!  Just follow along and comment below. 


  1. Well that was a blast from the past, they actually date back to Rogue Trader and were called spikers and had rules for them as well. No need to enter me into the draw, as I have no shortage of Sci-Fi scenery

  2. A fine example of the most (in)famous of all 41st millennium plantlife. Great work!

  3. Mec, I'll just base them and put them on my space desert table for some sick gaming !

  4. Good Stuff! I am reminded of the foam Easter eggs I bought for just this purpose. Good luck with the contest.

  5. Hell, Yeah! We used to have those on our table back in the day of 2nd Edition. Great job!

    1. Thanks Skully, they are a fun addition to the game table

  6. You sir never cease to amaze me with making the "red era" cool. Your endless font of wacky ideas is an inspiration to us all. :) An inspiration to Have Fun!

    1. Thanks Composer! I'm excited to get them on the table.

  7. So cool! The problem is that if I ever het a few of these... I will for sure need more! And even more! Can you imagine a whole jungle? A shapeshifting labyrinth of thorns in which 'walls' defend from the adventurers, making them lose their path and attacking them so they never reach the ancient catacomb they are planning to raid. Oh, the scenario writes itself!

    1. Yes I can imagine a whole table filled with these. LMAO The trails so tight you have to roll for wounds every time you move. Shifting to protect an item is an amazing idea as well. Thanks Suber. ;)

    2. Oh! . . . Now that's a sweet idea. I'm looking forward to reading the writeups on this both on Graveskull and in the Old School Workshop. (How on earth did I miss that before? Ah well, not time to sign on like the present.)

  8. That texture really made a difference to the overall look Tom. They turned out great.

    Don't worry about counting me in the comp though, I think it'd end up costing you more to ship them to Aus than it would to make them myself :D

    I like those little monsters you included in the second last shot. Could I ask you where they're from?

    1. Nah if you win, it would be my pleasure to ship them down under. The critters are from the last Astropolis kickstarter. They may be available from Lead Adventure Miniatures, but haven't checked.

  9. very cool i always liked those cacti also really enjoying your blog and your Adventures

  10. They came out great. My deathworld lacks this species :)

    1. Thanks Doc....I couldn't hep myself and got a bunch more supplies coming from Amazon. LOL

  11. I usually don't comment but today I acknowledged something I thought was worth sharing:

    Warcolours released 27 paints in 3 sets called Nostalgia '88. The range mimmicks coat d'arms first batch of citadel paint pots and hues, along with the old schools viscosity.

    I know some people takes oldhammer so seriously they hunt down old citadel paints and so on, well... This might help on painting like it was the red era again.

    1. Oh that is some good info! Thanks for sharing javi! Hoping I don't paint the whole house red now!!!!

  12. BTW those old school cacti are an inspiration. Might give em a try. Foam balls have been safe from toothpicks for almost 20 years now. Keep the good stuff coming!

    1. Will do, and you should give them a try. Super fun to have on the table.

  13. Those look great. You have a much better eye to see how things will look once completed. Following your short progress pics, I kept think,"how is this going to work?", but sure enough, once completed they look awesome.

  14. These are briliant! You make it look so easy as well! I'd never really thought of painting the balls in their entirity and then attaching the spikes. Genius!

  15. hey grove - how did you spray the red spines? airbrush? rattle can? did you affix them to something first?

    1. I halved a buttload of toothpicks, stuck them in foam primed them a base red rattle can, then dry brushed them a highlight.

    2. gotcha. the hardware store was totally out of red spray paint so...i resorted to painting them by hand with craft paint. actually wasn't terrible.
