Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Monday, November 19, 2018

Walls of Graveskul

So all this wall nonsense, I know.  It all started when Cheetor mentioned something about zombie pirates and the Vampire Coast.  Then Whiskey Priest did a post on zombie pirates.  Then Cheetor said he was using his Nurgle force as pirates on a multi scale with Manowar and AoS.  So then I fell down the New World rabbit hole myself.

The beauty of it is that Graveskul is geographically where Texas would be in the New World, which puts it just North of Lustria.  Then we played a siege game where Lopez built some hasty walls.  I really enjoyed them and they worked in a pinch....

 ...but then I flipped open WD 225 while researching something else and found this article!

 You see my original plan was to have 25mm Alamo walls.  So this fit the bill as it was everything I was looking for! Low walls, with a South Western/ Aztec feel.

Luckily I had some leftover pizza boxes.  The 4' of wall used up 2, so I have 2 left over at the moment.

The first evening I got everything framed up.  The following evening I began working on the facades and parapet defenses.


 Saturday came around and I sprayed a light coat of textured paint.  Then puttied up the joints that didnt cover with Liquitex light modeling paste.

 I built some janky rachet looking stairs as well.

In the end it turned out just as I hoped, maybe even better.  I went with the same green I used on Grayskull/Graveskul.  All in all I'm guessing I spent no more then 8 hours on this.  So order some pizzas and get that terrain piece built that you've been planning to do. ;)

Now Lopez is challenging me to make a whole Lustrian city block with temples and houses...I might have to order more pizza.


  1. Wonderful piece of conversion work, Tom. Cheap but effective!

    1. Thanks combines 2 of my favorite hobbies. LOL

  2. So it's official, pizza actually solves problems!

  3. I do love me a bit of scratch-built terrain! Lovely work, and an inspiration to recyclers and pizza fans everywhere. 😁

  4. Nice project! And the fact that there’s pizza-eatin’ involved makes it even better!

  5. You guys are awesome! If the pizza doesn't take me to the grave, it will take me to Graveskull! Or . . . something like it. Walls are the shiznett. Useful.

  6. Very impressed you need to make a couple of breech sections!

  7. Great stuff--I loved those old Nick Davis articles. Good to see someone building the stuff out of them!

    1. Thanks Warburton! Ya those Nick Davis articles are great. Hoping to do some more.

  8. Goodness! You make it look so easy to put that together. Wish I had space to store that type stuff.

  9. Now that us an awesome and satisfying project. Time to go off my keto diet.

  10. Mixing Man o' War with Aos it's like mixing Nutella with ''you know what''...

    1. HAHAHAHA...I'm hoping Cheetor gets back to blogging and showcases that collection.
