Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Scatter terrain and civilians

I got some scatter terrain ordered form Valquiria Studios, Ramschackle Games, and Zealot Miniatures to fill up Graveskul for an upcoming game.

From black and white to color before your very eyes!

Everyone is excited about the beer kegs!

I got tons of explosives now!  Everyone knows how I love explosions!!!!

Where will that trap door lead?

I also got this shady guy with a briefcase full of money and a robot miner painted up.

There are a few more terrain items I still need to finish but everything I NEED for the game is ready.  I'll post the rest up when I get back to them...

...I got back to them quicker then I thought. ;)

Some mining vingettes, some gold piles. and the most important think of all on the battlefield...WATER!  Always stay hydrated.

He's struck the Mother Load!!!!!


  1. Nice scatter! Good to have places for the fleeing civilians to hide behind and run through....Also something for the press to shoot....)

    1. Ya it’s good B-roll for the camera. 😂 🎥

  2. I love scatter terrain as it helps bring any game to life. These are all fantastic pieces you've found. That robot miner is my favourite out of your purchases. Who makes him, please?

    1. Thanks Bryan. It’s from Killer B Games, which seems to be oop at the moment.

  3. Fantastic looking scatter pieces, would character to any board

  4. These are awesome! They'll add heaps of character to any game.

  5. Cannot wait to play on those tables with all this stuff.

    "Don't touch That!
    ...or that!"

  6. Looks superb, lovely colors and great paint job!

  7. Adds so much to a tabletop. Good stuff mate. Though, you showed the nude blue pond, but no painted version?

    1. Thanks Dai....Yup it's still on the painting table. I need to get it done.
