Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Moawr Orks for Orktober

I was flicking through some white dwarfs and this pic jumped out at me.  Then I remembered I had an ork that looked similar so thought I would do some converting.  While I was at it I wanted to work on a couple other nobz to finish out my Waaagh.
You keep that Dakka going lil buddy!

As you can see a simple one.  Just added some hair for the plume, and added a big barrel and some ammo dangling.

The barrel and ammo are from the Delaque Heavy Stubber.

A back pack and some pouches to bulk him up a bit.

Then this guy gets a mega axe and some other little greenstuff adds.

While this ork gets a chopsaw.

Now for priming and painting.

These should see the table very soon. ;)


  1. My very favorite targets! Nice work on the brutes by the way, looking forward to their inevitable destruction on the table....)

  2. Great conversions and paintjobs! So ooooooooold school. :)

  3. Ow! These are excellent! Nice blending, I love them!

  4. O these are excellent.

    Should be red though. Those yellow thugs get all the teef.

    1. Thanks Dai. I can't have all my armies be red....or can I????

  5. With Orks, more dakka is never a bad thing. Nice conversions, Tom.

  6. I'm surprised at how well that axe arm fits in with the old metal nob.

    That blue-black and yellow scheme works out really nicely too. It reads well at a distance, which is important for gaming figs.

    1. Thanks man! Ya I wasnt 100% on it....but in the end it really worked out.

  7. Always nice to see old space orks painted up. Looking good.
