Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

An ACW Comic: The Battle for Lone Pine Crossroads

Finally got a chance to play 2nd Ed. of Brigade Fire and Fury.

The battle was setup with the Confederates defending a crossroads from a surging Union corp trying to break the line.

The game played really well.  There are some aspects I really liked...checking of charges from musketry, and the added possibility of a double quick move in the maneuver phase.

I"m not sure that I'm sold on the new damage table, and breaking all the weapons down.  I rather liked the simplicity of the original rules.  If I revert to 1st ed.  I will just added in checked charges and double quick I guess.  I'm gonna give it a couple more tries though before I ultimately decide. 


  1. An excellent batrep!

    I used to have 18mm Rebs and had loads of fun smashing my yankee regular opponent.

    Never played Brigade, but i enjoy Regimental. Good to hear they added a little more depth

    1. Thanks Dai! Ya they have added a few elements from regimental that have made it a lot of fun.

  2. Looks cool. I've heard a lot about Fire & Fury, but never played.

  3. Nice Batrep
    The back and forth as both sides reinforced, and it looked like there were a lot of tactical choices.

    1. That's fun thing about the really captures the combat and tactical choices of the ACW.

  4. Great stuff mate. Keep is posted on your further games. I haven't invested in 2ed brigade level yet and like you I'm not sure that (If I'm reading it correctly) the breaking down of weapons is necessary. At 150 to 250 troops per stand I liked the simple abstraction of the weapons and that I could churn out a corps vs corps game in a few hours.

    Got to get you involved as a division commander at my warmaster game at BOYL!

    1. Thanks Stonewall....yes that is one element I think they could have kept out of the new ruleset. There is no need for me to differentiate the firearms. I do like the charge home and double quick possibilities, and the chance to stop a charge from reaching you. Small tweaks...that can be kept or thrown away. The new fire chart is fun and makes for a bloodier game. I would totally be a division commander for you at Boyl. ;) That gonna be on friday or when?
