Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Saturday Morning Space Aircraft Carrier: Progress #4

Happy New Year M8s today we get stuck in on the wall building and start adding some nice aesthetic pieces.

If you missed the other parts check them out here.

I got the walls and corridors all in, with some small walls added.
You can notice I bulked out a couple areas with Styrofoam and then covered is in cardboard.
The I started to add some visual bits.
I also starte4d working on the front rams putting some detergent caps on the front.
Then started working on the cargo bay, with a claw arm for added coolness.
Assorted caps to added depth on the walls, and the best part in my opinion, adding of packing peanuts to become wire and pipe holders.  Those will be added after painting.

Also check out what the Guv has been up too. ;)


  1. Looking good bro...I'm very excited to see the final product!

  2. As I said to your opponent, madness runs rampant in both your families! I of course know what to look for from my own lol, Great work so far! Drive on!

    1. HAHAHAHA Thanks Don. We are a mad bunch! I will continue to drive on ;)

  3. Can't wait to see what you two get up to!

    1. Thanks Preacher! When we do it’s gonna get bonkers!

  4. Going to add a mini bar right, for mid-game thirst quenching?

  5. So much creativity, it boggles the mind. I can never get past the stage of, it looks like packing peanuts. Well done.

    1. Oh ya the packing peanuts were a brilliant add. More on those in a future post.

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