Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Who doesn't want a Rancor on their Table Top?  These things are awesome!!!

I loved Matthew Sullivan's version so much I had to get my own.  This guy is to cool for school!!!

If you clicked on the link to look at Matthew's you will notice he went with a more realistic version.  Which I think is awesome!  I tried it and couldn't pull it off.  

So I resigned myself to go with more of a comic scheme.  In the end I was much happier with this paint job from myself.

Colors used were the following Foundry Triads:  Deep Brown Leather, Storm Green and Palomino for the underbelly.

I think he is ready to spread mayhem across the battle field.  There has even been talk of using him in a son of Kissy Snake Scenario!  WHAAAAAAT!


  1. "I didn't realize Greenberg was a Jedi name."

    1. I'm not getting the reference....Sorry dawg.

    2. Lol, it's from an episode of Family Guy where Carter Pewterschmidt did Peter's accountant into a rancor pit, but the accountant escaped.

  2. There is no denying, that is one fearsome looking beast! Nice paint job, Tom.

    1. Thanks Bryan. You should pick one up for Mega City. ;)

    2. Ha, ha, I don't need to - I already have one! :-) Mine is a different model to yours - a metal version made by West End Games and very old. You can see what it looks like here -

      By the way, part 2 of my latest JDMG batrep is up on my blog right now.

    3. Oh man that is great!!!! Now I want one of those too. LOL I was about to go read that. ;)

  3. Son of Kissy Snake! The Rancor is looking good.

  4. I like your painting style. Don't change it. It would not look right. Or feel right.

    You feel me brother? Right?

  5. I was wrong. The rancor always had the shell . . . I just never noticed it. Your paint really brings it out. Comic is great on a table. I love it. :)

  6. Cool, scary monster! Excellent!!

  7. Thanks for the shout-out, ABG! I'm glad that you painted your own, because I really like the 2-tone version that you cooked up -- he really pops... pops Gamorrians into his mouth, that is, har har har.
    Anyway, I really like the way you brought out the texture on his skin. I hope he brings you lots of luck on the gaming table!

    1. Thanks MAtt!!!! I tried your angle but was mucking the shit out of it. Glad you like this version, I'm quite pleased with how it turned out. BWAHAHAAH pop Gamorrians mofos its bout to get LIT!
      I think he will.....I just need him to create mayhem across the table. People are really pushing for this son of Kissy Snake think....Which I think would be hilarious. ;) Truly appreciate the inspiration you brought on this project.

  8. Kissy Snake better keep her son in Check!!! Or ill have to open a can of whoops ass on that mofoin Rancor!!! lol

    Looks boss.

    1. Hey Brah you bet watch it before I get all nautical on your ass! Seriously though he will eat all your brets.

      Thanks boi. ;)

  9. That's a great Rancor. I am very envious

    1. You'll have to come up and play against it some time. ;) I bet the Mary Shelley could take him. ;)

  10. "Orbital Bombardment, Target.... that thing so big we can see it from here!"
