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Why Oldhammer

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Thrud and the Side Scroll Adventure

Taking some inspiration from Scale Creep I decided to play a side scroll game myself.  Thanks to Captain Crooks Cheetor and Asslessman for the idea.


  1. Don't know in which proportions but tears in my eyes are either from joy or laughter !

  2. Now that is a story filled with awesome. May I ask what system this is? It looks like it shares some elements with the likes of Pulp Alley and TV What'sit. (Which game I clearly don't know as well, seeing as I can't quite recall the name. Cheetor has used that one before, as I recall.) Looks like a winner, in any case. Well done! (And lovely report.)

    1. Thanks! It's actually Donnybrook with just helpful cards from Pulp Alley and Heroquest. This one was very loose rules.

  3. Awesome! 80's Barbarian cheese in full effect! Just the right proportion of Cheescake and Beefcake.

  4. Just found your blog a couple of days ago.
    Great blog, great post!

    I really like the setting of Greyskul with the terrain and your concept of "everytime all mixed together".

    I am really glad I found it.

    Thanks for sharing,

    1. Will welcome to the blog, and thanks for the comments! Glad you enjoy everything.

    2. I'm also a fan of your blog. Those trees you made awhile back are very inspiring.

  5. Two things first - #1 Where can i get that Thrud mini!? #2 Warduke was one of my all time fav action figures as a kid. Parents would never buy me the Fortress of Fangs though - bastards, I deserved it even though I cut off all my sister's Barbie and My Little Pony hair.

    Super fun comic to read. :) Love how you include all the classic ads.

    1. Dai he is from the Carl Critchlow pack for the new Zombicide Black Plague game. Go get yourself one. He and the Black Currant figures are awesome to paint. So sorry you never got the Fortress of Fangs...LOL I really appreciate the comments. ;)

  6. Really intriguing :) Did you used pulp alley rules? I see some of their fortune cards but there are some Hero Quest(?) cards too.

    1. Thanks! It's actually Donnybrook with just helpful cards from Pulp Alley and Heroquest. This one was very loose rules.
