Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Saturday, April 23, 2016

The plunge into Rogue Trader has begun with Never Never Safari

So I always kid Captain Crooks about Crocodile Dundee.  Crocodile Dundee and Crocodile Dundee 2 are some of my favorite movies.  If I could put some technology to use, and splice both movies together with just the Australia scenes I might never quit watching them. LOL

Anyway back on point.  I had been searching for an economically priced Talisman space pirate for some time to lead my Rogue Trader squad.  Thanks to Matthew Sullivan for putting the itch on me to get him with his lovely painting. While biding my time it gave me some thought to think of a good backstory theme.  Well there you have it  Crocodile Dundee inspired Rogue trader Force.  Welcome to Never Never Safari one of the best touring outfits of the Outback and Beyond outside Graveskul!

Drekker Dundee the Mucker- Tour guide and leader for Never Never Safari

Donk the Bull- Second in command and the muscle

Charlie- Team Leader w/ force sabre

Diamond- Trooper

Walt- Squad Sniper

Neville Bell- Trooper

Nugget- Team Leader

Teddy- Squad Tracker

Erskine- Squad Mook

 Denning- Squad Mook

 Can't wait to try them out in one of Bulldog Lopez's entertaining Rogue Trader scenarios...or is that Rouge Trader?


  1. Ha, fantastic. Love the tie ins, Nugget seems to be closest to source material. :D

    1. Thanks man...ya you got me there, I didn't want to do to much hacking of old lead. ;)

  2. I didn't realise the depth of your Dundee obsession until now... I love that force sword conversion on the chaos warrior, hehe :D

  3. I didn't realise the depth of your Dundee obsession until now... I love that force sword conversion on the chaos warrior, hehe :D

    1. Thanks Crooksy glad you like him...after his journey he is happy to be on the tabletop.

  4. Replies
    1. Bluuuud and Bayonet's! Monolith-con will tower above!

  5. Nicely done :D I like your bright paint schemes ;)

  6. Bad Ass! Monolith-con? I want to go! (Although having to watch the kids etc may put a a damper on that) :(

  7. The oppening fishing scene of CD2 makes me laugh every time. That's motley crex yo uhave here but a damn fine looking one !

    1. Thanks JB! Ya it's hilarious Mick just goes about hit business and everyone is all like well that's just Mick, LOL too funny!

  8. So colourful! Love them all - forgot just how much character those old sculpts had.

    And very entertaining post too. Haven't seen those flicks in decades...

    1. Thanks Dai! The old ones have the best character! You should totally rewatch cd and cd2. ;)
