Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Oldhammer Weekend USA: Battle Masters

Frederick Kober said he had a copy of Battle Masters to play, with nothing to do I jumped at it.  DeathJester25 came over and agreed to be the empire, and I took the chaos. (of course!)
What ensues was a bitter struggle across every hex of the battle map.  With my chaos horde being defeated by the fine generalship of DeathJester25. ;)


  1. Man I wish I could have gotten in on that one! The artillery templates were the best!

  2. Yeah, battle masters was another one I wanted to try as well. I had time but got sucked into watching the RT games.

  3. Oh boyz it was epically glorious! Now I wonder if I should get a copy and paint it completely up. LOL

  4. Battlemasters was my first "wargame" as a kid .I remember my best friend ran an entire campaign mixing HeroQuest and Battlemasters. Fun times. I still have a lot of the miniatures and that wonderful tower.

    1. Yes mine to Stelios! Sounds like a fun campaign.

    2. It was a lot of fun. The four heroes from HeroQuest got to participate in a war between the Empire and Zargon's legions. Sometimes they outcome of a quest would influence the result of a battle and vice versa.

    3. Very cool. I might have to try something like that coupling heroquest, and warhammer or realm of chaos.

  5. Top notch! The masses of unpainted brightly coloured plastic is joyous. That cannon looks pretty decisive.

    1. It was in this game. But I remeber from my childhood games that it was a toss up, as was the ogre. The cav cards with the bonus attack was were it was at. ;)
