Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Monday, April 13, 2015

The other white meat.

So I had time to play another 80's inspired scenario.  This one was thought up by Quindia.  It was a great game.  We thought it would be over after the second turn, and then pure Oldhammer magic happened.  Enjoy!


  1. LOL... that was great! One thing... I've run this scenario multiple time in different genres... have the peasants open the enclosure and move the pigs random directions! It makes it MUCH hard to simply cut through them one at a time and makes for a more chaotic game!

    Still great, though. I'm going to have to set this up and take some pics. What did you use for points on these warbands?

    1. I used my homebrew beer and pretzels rulez. I think in Oldhammer terms 250-500 points game would be perfect for an evenings enjoyment.

      Glad you enjoyed it. ;)

      I will have to use your advice next time I run it. It was fun watching a Minotaur and Troll chomp through them. It was like watching a train wreck but with more goo and oinking.

  2. Nice write up, you've certainly got some detailed narritives going on. And way to sneak in a "babies and puppies" picture!

    1. Thank you is something I have been working on a bit more. ;)

      As for babies and puppies...she insists on going downstairs with daddy to play war! I'm not gonna lie it's AWESOME!

  3. eeewwww....that one dwarf DID seem to be enjoying it more than the rest..!!!

    hahaha LOL

    1. Yes...Dustimas the dwarf always seems to take it just a bit to far. We all thought this one was going to be over quick, then it turned into quite a game. We got loud enough for the wife to holler at us.
