Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Monday, December 9, 2019

Willow's Warcry Warband: Sorceress Stormcast

Willow is getting to the age were she is interested in trying out gaming.  She fell in love with Gryphounds and Aetherwings so I threw together a warband for her with some Motu inspiration.

I wanted her champion to really catch your eye as she will the only human.  I settled on this Sequitor-Prime and gave her a Farstrider arm with a perched Aetherwing  I got from Dyer

She has a real Ghostbuster feel to her, and if the Aetherwing doesn't get you the big sword she has on her hip will. 

Willow has some definite ideas on what these guys can do.  So will probably have to fudge the champions Aethering attack into an ability.

 She also wants the gryphounds to have some extra punch so might raise their crit hits a bit to give her what she wants.

The point is shes excited about gaming so not going to crush the narrative ideas she has at the moment.

That's everything assembled on Saturday, and I actually got some time to paint so got all the base coats blocked in.

Here is my inspiration page mostly Motu Sorceress and then Cheetor's gryphounds as well as another set I found on google images from Surface-Tension on Deviant-art.

Sunday I decided to break the project down into managable bits so got the Aetherwings complete as well as the tiny Gryphound. 

That mean's I have 5 more full sized Gryphounds and the Stormcast Champion left to do this week.  Planning on getting them  done by this weekend and should have post up early next week to show the progress. 


  1. Looking awesome! I can't wait to read the battle report when she whips your ass with them too 😉

    Oh, and thanks for the shout out!

    1. No Prob Bob! She's already beat Cheetor so I'm honestly worried. LOL

  2. That warband is coming together nicely.

    If your daughter losses interest at least you have a new warband for Warcry ;0)

  3. Those look fantastic...great color choices and constant theme. Go WILLOW

  4. What a great time, I'm sure she's going to have a blast!

    1. She's making all the necessary corrections that I screwed up. LOL

  5. Good stuff mate! Hope her interest lasts a good long time. My boy sadly no longer wants to game or hobby with is Dad... :(

    Loving the Sorceress theme!

    1. Oh ya! If he she phases out of it I got another warband at my disposal. I'm surprised how much fun this one has been actually.

  6. Let us know your tips for getting the young ‘uns hooked. I’m trying to get my oldest started with Battlemasters. We sort of make up the rules as we go along ....

    1. With her the trick has been just including her and letting her play with stuff. I don’t go crazy and let her use everything. But she loves setting up Dungers and messing around with them. And if I get an extra figure I don’t need I assemble it and let her have it. I just keep encouraging it and not forcing it. But she really enjoys Warcry and specifically picked gryphounds so I got her the aetherwings and the champ and it’s taken off from there. 😉

    2. Ya we are def playing rules light atm, I think that’s the best way. She’s even come up with little abilities each figure can do. Which I’m going to include on a card for her once the warband is finished.

    3. That’s awesome btw. Battle masters and heroquest type games are a greater starters.

  7. These are fantastic! I LOVE The colours!

    Narrative is everything!

  8. Looking great! I started doing some conversions to get the Godsworn Hunt in Underworlds to look like characters from the new She-Ra series, but stalled out because Adora's hair is proving much harder than I imagined.

  9. What a great project! That conversion screams "hero" and has plenty of narrative possibilities between the eagle, sword, and ghost box (or soul trap?)
