Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Custom Dice

G'day M8's! My buddy Axiom every year has custom dice for the games he runs at Boyl and it inspired me to get some of my own.  I thought I would keep them similar to the old Heroquest icons to give that old school vibe.  I made some rough sketches and sent them over to be professionally done by my good buddy Mustafa of Spevna Studios.  Hope you like them as much as I do. 

I got some with Black Vasken's face so he had his own personal dice, then I got a bunch with Kissy Snakes face to be used by all my other units.   

Can't wait to roll these!


  1. OMG ! They are amazing, it s such a good idea !

  2. :O :O
    Is this for real? That's so awesome!

    1. Indeed it is. Not as expensive as you would think either. ;)

  3. Wow, those are the tits mate! Which company did you get them produced through?

    1. I used these guys: Really easy to work with.

  4. Awesome. But that's not Vasken painted as promised on previous post comments, so burn in heeeell, whait, you better paint in heeeell instead.

    Need to see the dude painted, pronto. The 3 layer step plus contrast n stuff you said...

    Are those wooden? They really look like heroquest's ones, congrats!

    1. Don’t rush me he’s coming. 😅 Glad you noticed that. They are normal ivory dice but tried to get them to evoke the old wooden dice like Heroquest. 🥰
