Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Contrast Paints: Genestealers and Dark World Sorcerer

I've knocked out 7 Genestealers so far with the Contrast paints.  I'm using Volpus Pink and Ultramarine Blue then giving them a wash of Nuln oil at the end.  I'm quite happy with the results and have 21 more stealers to knock out by November for Monolith-co.

Also had the sorcerer from Dark World and decided to try him out.  I really like how the contrasts worked on him, and give him a very bright and vibrant 80/90s look.

I think I'm sold on Contrast paints, and will continue to experiment and get the most out of them.


  1. They all look great, but the smaller guy turned out excellent, like contrast paints were made for him!

    1. Thanks Andrew! Ya it’s like it all worked perfect on that model. I seriously was done with him in about 20 min. I’m all in on contrast.

  2. Oooh! the Sorcerer turned out very nice, indeed!

    I've done a little experimenting with the Contrast paints. They're certainly quick. I haven't managed to make anything look as nice as this sorcerer! This gives me hope, though, so I guess I'll keep trying!

    1. Keep at it, I'm excited to see what you come up with as well. ;)

  3. So far I have only bought 1 contrast paint. They are certainly doing the job with those Genestealers

  4. Man, I'm terrified to imagine your output with a paint that enables to paint EVEN FASTER.
    This is going to be savage, mec.

    1. Output of 300 minis a month is not out of the realm of possibility muahahahahaha

  5. I got one contrast paint and have yet to use it. But I'm liking the effects you've gotten on those stealers and that mage looks great - all that detail really helps to bring out the contrast effects well.

    1. They've been fun so far. I'm excited to keep experimenting with them.

  6. Those 'stealers look boss, dude. That Sorcerer is fantastic, as well. I've never seen him before. I vaguely remember a childhood friend having some Dark World minis and wondering if they were somehow connected to Heroquest.

    1. Thanks bruh! It was like an off brand heroquest. The temple was cool tho. I think my mom threw all of that out.

  7. Very nice. Contrast paints mean I may finally get my space hulk 'stealers painted up...! I think I'll go for a very bright pink/purple scheme though... ;)

    1. With the choice of vibrant colors, that sounds like a fantastic idea Warburton!

  8. These look great, I think it really nudged me more in the direction of using them. For some reason I've been held up in prep steps.

    1. Get busy! You won’t believe how fast you get figures done!

  9. Been around that post twice but dunno how to tell the citadel contrast system is crap (IMHO) and not being that harsh in the trying.

    Seriously, done that in 2014 with just army painter washes. Weak stain you say? Use Vallejo transparent paints.

    I know it's not the exact paint formula but you get the same results priming white and painting with inks (Daler Rowney) washes or transparent colors, for a fraction of the price and with tons of control, as those are more forgiving (contrast paints seem to need a really neat handling).

    Man, hate to be on the hate bandwagon :(

    1. Interesting I might have to give those a look when these run out. I'm digging them at the moment and churning quite a bit out. So all positive for me atm. ;)
