Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Pre-Boyl Gorefest: Realm of Chaos Warbands

Right on the heels of Axiom and Asslessman,  I've completed my warband for the Pre Boyl gorefest at Warhammer World!

This year we have chosen to do a small Realm of Chaos campaign with Renegade warbands set in the 41st Millennium.

I didn't have it nearly as hard as them. Due to unforeseen circumstances I had to use some already painted minis instead of creating a whole new warband.  

However the champion and the ratskin psyker and the sniper are all new builds and paintjobs.

My Chaos Champion Malice Cain is a Space Marine Minor Hero with the following attributes and gear:

Strength- +3 S
Small useless Wings
Evil Eye
Magic Immune

Mesh Armor
Frenzon- Frenzy single turn dose

I based my champion off this iconic head of Dave Andrews from Imperial Trooper Brock.

I greenstuffed his beard. His body is a Space Marine Librarian, with the shoulder pads of a Space Marine Chaplain.  Then his wings are from the bitz box .


 He was such a fun build and it was great to finally get some paint on him.  I went with the same scheme as the beastmen  a really bright blue, with splashes of red and purple.


Ratskin Psyker Punches Pilate on Dunger

Neuro Distruptor and Power Sword, Flak Armor
Lvl 3 w/ 22 Psi Points- Teleport, Teleport 2, Protection, Telekinisis, Rout, Cause Fear


He's based on the torso of a Necromunda Ratskin Leader, and mounted on a leftover Dunger.  Cutting through the white metal of the ratskin was a really fun evening, give it a try sometime.


 Next up are 3 squat berserkers Oldhammered up to 11 with skeleton warpaint, Ultimate Warrior face paint, and a rising sun head band.

General Karnage leads the beastmen contingent from the back of his Battle Panther.

With Vanekor his lieutenant and the other 3 braying beastmen.

Finally we have a repaint of the beastmen sniper Jericho Shockwave.  I thought he would be a fun addition to the warband, and give them some much need long-range fire.

I'm really excited to get these on the table at Pre-Boyl at Warhammer World!


  1. Some mighty fine work there. Looking forward to seeing them in the FLESH.

    1. Thanks Seany! Really excited to see yours as well!!!!

  2. That is some fucking sick warband and that Renegade is like a future version of Randy Savage, I'm in love !

  3. I love these guys! The neon colours really make them pop - that electric blue in particular is great. Malice Cain gives the impression of being one of those guys who really doesn't give a f**k. He'll dance all evening at the gig, spilling peoples' drinks, knocking them over and generally irritating everyone in his orbit, but he doesn't care in the slightest who he annoys. The perfect chaos champion basically!

    1. LMAO that's the perfect description for him. He's always geting into cantina fights.

  4. Love that champion Grove! The whole warband is gunna be fun to see laid out on the tabletop.

    Is the Dunger part of the warband or for the ash wastes race?

    1. Thanks Erasmus! I'm excited to see what they can do, tho I rolled low numbers compared to everyone else. EEEEK!!!!

      The Dunger Rider is my Psyker and he is gonna double as My Ash Waste Racer

  5. Those look awesome but a word of warning if your planning to use these at Warhammer world they do not allow non GW miniatures on the tables so the Dunger may be a no no.

    I was asked to remove my Ogre slaughter from the table because it had a non-GW head!

    1. Thanks for that bit of advice. I figured since it had a GW mini in the conversion I'd be good. If I get asked oh well.

    2. I have taken my orc army and played it down there, it has no citadel models in it. No-one cared! This will not be the first Dunger at WhW.

  6. These look really good, I love the vivaciousness of the colours. The use of Tpr Brock's head is pretty cool, really suits the pose of the body.

    1. Thanks Goblin Lee, really glad you like them. Glad you noticed that...I gave a bit of thought to the pose before I glued everything together.

  7. Wow. Awesome minis, inspired conversion, great color scheme and aaaaaaaawesome ALF-like piece of scenery ! The added beard on the champion is an instant win :)

    1. HAHAHA The Alf joke is making the rounds on my facebook posts. I'd never noticed that or heard it before, but now I can't unsee it. Thanks for popping over for a look. ;)

  8. I'm gonna enjoy shooting these guys up real good!

    1. I'm guessing everyone will....Looks like im outnumbered 2:1 compared to everyone else's warbands! LOL

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks, the sawing of the shoulder pads was a bit more work then I planned for tho. LOL

  10. Gorgeous. A band worth of the attention of the Chaos Gods themselves. So cool!

  11. Awesome! Love the Battle Cat, and +11 for the colours!

    1. Thanks glad you like the color choices, and battle cat. )

  12. Your warband looks great! I love your renegade. I've heard that heating up white metal in the microwave makes it easier to cut.
