Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Necromunda: Hot town Summer in the city

Necromunda at Warhammer World with Axioms Heat Wave Campaign!

This was a wall to wall day of fun gaming with some great friends.

I got pretty rolled on this one.  Cheetor made some great maneuvers and I didnt have a chance. 

This was an epic win.  I was down from the get go losing my champs, and I started off with half my gang down.  It came down to a lowly ganger and Curis's leader and somehow I pulled an ace out of my sleeve.
I dont know why I didnt get as many pics of this one.  I was defending against a 2 prong attack from Axiom and Whiskey Priest.  I did gain control of the enemy plasma gunner, I made him jump into a sump pool, but some how he survived.  Boooo....the rest of the game went like that.  LOL  I just couldn't get anything going. 

However I had so much fun, and was primed and ready for Saturday at Foundry.


  1. Doing like a full time doer Savage!
    Kudos for adding the miles and the smiles to your Oldhammer passport.

  2. Great looking game and one I've yet to get around to playing! Must rectify that some day...

  3. I enjoyed that first game, mostly because as it was our first one on one game together and it was immediately apparent that we want pretty much exactly the same things from our games: cheesy cinema.

    I quite enjoy Necromunda games in corridors rather than on gantries. I like both, but the tunnel fighting feels new.

    1. Ya man! Cheesy Cowboys and Indians in the tunnels of the Underhive...what more could you ask for. Thanks for being a ball'n adversary. ;)

  4. The bands and tables looked awesome. Nice report, I like the styling of the photos. All Snapseed, or are you also using filters from Comic Life?

    1. Thanks Sean. All edits were done with snapseed. It get's the look that I'm after.
