Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Mk. 1 Ultramarine Terminator

G'day was a great day painting!  Banged out this Ultramarine Terminator for an upcoming game of Space Hulk.

I'd painted the figure before but was not feeling the scheme and also wanted to give him some lightning claws.
 So into the dawn power dissolver he went, with a few others that need some redo's.
 Got the lightning claws on...
 Then decided to go full Nico. and add in a bunch of greenstuff and effects to really Rogue Trader the figure up.
 Little cloud with lightning for his lightning claws.
 Some vents and tubing and other accesories for the back.
 Oh and a little space crab chomping down on some mushrooms.

While the greenstuff dried I got busy on some Space Hulk boards for some upcoming games in Nov.  I know Monolith-Con is right around the corner and will be here before I know it.
 Couple last touches before priming, some slime and the Ultramarine emblem for the shoulder plate.
 All colors used:
Foundry Prussian Blue Triad with an extra highlight mixed with white
Foundry Ochre Triad
Reds:  Khorne, Wazdaka, and highlighted Waz with white
Foundry Bright Green Triad
Purple Triad from GW for the crab
Then some greys and whites for the other bits.

 I'm getting excited by this point!

 Those lightning claws worked out perfectly!

 With and without comic filter.
 Boarding the Hulk!

 All looks  clear for now...wait....blip....blip....blip!
He can hang with the Deathwing for a bit, till the other Ultramarines get here.  Hope everyone is having a great weekend...cya next week.


  1. That's a cracking good conversion and paint job. I was always a big fan of Space Hulk when it was first released.

    1. Thanks Bryan. Yup just got my hands on a copy of 1st ed. Absolutely love it.

  2. Great redo on a classic model, like the addition of the lightning claws, great for narrow corridors and getting up close and personal

    1. Thanks Dave. Lightning claws have always been my favorites!!!

  3. Love the shoes and the claws. I'll pester Drew until he makes one like this! Very inspiring!

    1. Thanks Tom. Hahaha you should and maybe some variants for a whole squad.

  4. He came out great. Nice conversion and paint job. I like your step by step photos too.

    1. Thanks Sean. Ya I don’t do enough step by steps. I need to rotate them in more.

  5. The additional work really stands out and makes the difference. I love it!!!

    1. Thanks Suber. I just wanted add a bit more to him, it paid off.

  6. You did a bang up job with him mec!

    Re the SH tiles, I thought the 3rd ed tiles were thicker than the 1st ed ones? Or they're not so different that they cause an issue?

    I'm surprised that GW didn't change the interlocking design for them. It's great for us though :)

    Cheers MEC.

    1. Thanks man! The new tiles are a bit thicker but I’m not to bothered by it. I’m just glad they fit together it makes for cool looking boards.

  7. Yes! The crab is not the basing accessory for the Ultrmarine, the Ultramarine is the basing accessory for the crab.

  8. Nice work on that conversion and paint job!

    The shoes in particular are pretty awesome.

    1. Thanks Lasgunpacker! The safety shoes seem to be a big hit....s....a....f....e....t....y lol

    2. I think in this case he is warning you that you are going to be kicked to death.
