Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Monday, July 23, 2018

Tank 2: Boyl What a Tanker!

Oh you missed the last post about my pizza tank?  Check it out here M8. It's gonna be going up against JB's tank here.

I decided to go Yellow as the main color.
Dry brushing it up over 4 layers.
Then I sat and stared at it for a week as I was to nervous to paint camo on it.
Then I got my courage and I'm glad I did.  As I'm so pleased with the results.

I thought about adding smoke, but it hindered the turning of the turret.

The last part was to work out the stickers.  I had already had to paint over a few, but I had what they were all supposed to be.  My initial thought was to paint them, I dreaded the thought of that I'm not Curis for FFS.  So I dug around online and found a second party decal maker for all things TMNT.
They worked perfect.  The shark teeth are from another kit.
  I've got another idea now too, but we will have to wait for that on another post. ;) 

I can't wait to see what it does in What a Tanker.  ;)


  1. So what's the penetration rate on a large Cheese? LOL

    1. Hot out of the oven....or or left out next morning?

    2. So tests to be determined then lol

    3. I'm gonna have sooooo many random chart tables.

  2. If this is not Rogue Trader spirit at its most, I don't know what it is

  3. The fuel tank is filled with anchovy guts? (I'm just assuming the fermented part. You know. 'Cause.) Your tank runs of fish sauce! Huzzah! Drive it through my friends list (or my kitchen if your timing is right) and you should be able to recruit an army on exhaust fumes alone. :D (A hungry army ready to stack up a mountain of evil crayfish carcases.) Anchovies! Why didn't I think of that! THAT'S how I get my wife to appreciate pizza!

    1. No no no, see, I need to be thanking you. I've been trying to figure out how to sell my wife on pizza forever. And never once did I think of putting un-sauced anchovies on. Tried it with squid once but it was Vietnamese Dominoes so . . . it was pretty awful, really. Unsatisfactory to Vietnamese and American consumers alike. Vietnamese Pizza Hut was much more palatable, but there were no feeshies on it. I'm thinking good anchovies, light cheese, and an honest tomato sauce that's not all sugar just might get me there. (Entirely serious now. For realzes. See? Your blog is helping solve real world dinner problems. Intercontinental ballistic pizza for the win.) ;-)

      (And as luck would have it there's an honest Sicilian pizza joint with good anchovies not too far away. Named by a real Sicilian mother after her first son. In the proper fashion of all such pizza joints. If anybody can make this work it'll be her.)

  4. Utterly ridiculous. Completely stupid. I love it.

  5. Love this. The toy's proprotion make it look like the old goofy Epic Ork vehicles, like the Doomdiver which was just a giant magnet.

    Looking forward to playing against this with my own Orky offering, which will be dwarfed.

    1. I can't wait. And I'm excited to see yours as you've kept it under wraps. ;)
