Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Friday, July 20, 2018

Historicon 2018

I've finally found some time to collect my thoughts about Historicon 2018.

Finally back to Lancaster!  The Host is in a bit of a remodel, but instead of taking a negative attitude, I found it a welcome return.  The dealer's hall has been completely remodeled, and if that is what the rest of the resort will look like in the future it will be great once finished. 
I got lucky and scored Space hulk 1st Ed with complete Deathwing and Genestealer expansions. 
Me and Lope also got to spend some time with the Perry's during a sculpting seminar.  They are a delight, but their skill is amazing to see in person. 
Then it was on to the gaming!  We talked Dustin in to coming over from Philly and had a great time all weekend playing Rogue Ops and trying out Dracula's America (in Space)  ;)
Don't be so serious boys let's have some fun!
That's more like it.
We also got a chance to visit with Nigel, Rusty, Kober, Richard and Rusty!

We had a fun little Rogue Ops shootout where one side was trying to dam the other sides fork in the river.  I lost...which would be the trend of the weekend.  Don't tell Dustin we just let him win to build up his confidence.  LOL

Then we played a base assault where Dustin's waves of IMperial guard over ran my perimeter.

Then a delightful game where the whole battlefield was covered in mines.  I ended up losing most of a squad to them LOL

Lopez channeling the undead as he GM's Draculas America (in Space)

Kober and Nigel got a chance to play some Warmaster as well! 

Then to end the weekend out I ran a final game of Rogue Ops where Dustin and Lope had to save their respective gang member from the noose.
Lopez had to save his leader Plunderino Pete, while Dustin had to save gang favorite Gasmask Gary. 

Dustin got cinematic right off the bat with freeing gas mask with an surgical lascannon shot. 
From there it was a shoot  out. 

With Dustin again victorious but just barely. 
All in all a great weekend, worth the 11 hour drive out and back.  If you want to have fun you got to make a little effort, like driving across the US or flying to England.  Now to gear up for BOYL in England in 2 weeks. 


  1. Looks like an epic weekend mate!
    You ticked plenty of Oldhammer boxes, especially meeting the Perry brothers.

    1. Yes that was a fun one. They are so down to earth. It was great talking with them

  2. Looks Great!! I like the idea of Historicon becoming a central event for us on this side of the pond...particularly because its not that far of a drive for me...compared to the DC area. I'll get it on the calendar for next year NOW!

  3. What an epic weekend.
    I am very jealous of all of it. All the games of Rogue Ops, Nigel, the Perrys, Lopez.

    1. It was a good time. I know it would be a haul for you, but if we start getting tables. We might have to do a ship game. ;)

  4. Nice, the Perrys! Never wash those hands again!

    Looks like an awesome week-end

    1. It was! Thanks far Lancaster from you?

    2. Around 9h. Ill see maybe i can make the trip with Blue nxt year!

    3. That would be awesome! It's 11 hours for me, but it's a straight shot.

  5. You looked to have had a great time, I'm envious!

    1. It was. I'm really excited to play some Space Hulk 1st ed atm

  6. Historical moment with pilards of the oldschool scene!!! Very jealous :)

  7. Great write-up and pics. Going to put Historicon on my calendar for next year. Lancaster is in my back yard!

  8. Those were some awesome games, dude! Thanks again to you and Lopez for peer pressuring me into playing toy soldiers last weekend! ;)

    1. No worries. We are always here to bully you 😂😂😂

  9. Looks awesome. Man the Perry's are tiny. I am definitely marking my Calendar for Historicon, the main thing is to see what is happening with post season track. Also I may get the stink eye if I try to do Kubla, Historicon and BOYL in the same year. We shall see.

  10. Looks like a fantastic event Tom. Meeting the Perry's in person would have been a highlight mate. Did you know they were going to attend beforehand? How long did you get to chat with them for?

    Would have been great to get to game with Dustin. I liked his blog, when he blogged :P I can't talk though, mine's on a sabbatical :)

    I'm pretty disappointed with you though Tom, there's not a single photo in this entire blog post that captures Lopez' monkey's bum in all it's glory.

    Only a few weeks to BOLY mate!!!!!

    1. Yes I knew they were attending, hence the last minute decision to go. I watched a 90 min sculpting lesson with them and about 20 other people watching. They went over their techniques and had some humorous anecdotes. I chatted with them for a couple minutes post lesson as they had to rush off. I got my pic taken and told them I really enjoyed their campaigns they had been sharing on facebook.

      Ya getting Dustin out was great. We had a blast gaming all weekend. I did mention he needs to start blogging again, you do to for that matter. LOL

      LOL please M8 those pics I save for myself LMAO

      I know I'm so excited! Wish everyone could make it....but we'll do the big one next year for sure!

  11. It's funny seeing all these names attending Historicon. I bought some Chaos Knights from Rusty through FB. Next time we should get the word out (ahem..Fall-In...) so we can meet up.

    1. There should be some Facebook talk for sure. I’m leaning towards Fall-In but Historicon seems to have the most traction at this point.
