Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Monday, June 25, 2018

The Fight For New Texas: Battle Among the Stars

I know...I've teased long enough.  It's time for the space ships!
Check out the Major's post for a quick overview. With the jostling of positions as the great powers deploy above New Texas.  The initial skirmishes have been unsuccessful for the "good guys".  They must face the full might of the axis of evil! 


  1. OK I have just officially lost my shit!!!!!!!!!

    1. Let me grab a bucket and mop. LOL Glad you liked it. ;)

  2. Alright, so many things to parse through here...
    FIRST, I put a direct link over here from the top of my post on this battle on GovGen.
    SECOND, What is going on with all the cool fictional movie posters? Did you make them?
    THIRD, awesome. I forgot a couple of things you included
    LAST, Robert's eyes buggin out is friggin funny. Especially because that was exactly what was happening at the time.

    Great post!

    1. First...word
      Second...I just googled fake 80s movie posters
      Third...Good, I think you diod the same for me.
      LOL It was a perfect use for google eyes. LOL

  3. Ever see the scene from 2004 film King Arthur where the Romans are pulling out from the wall and Arthur is roaring in salute to his men? ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

  4. Oh my dear god, you guys are awesome! My envy knows no bounds. I am . . . impressed. :)

    And I cannot frigging wait for the next episode!

    1. Dont worry there are a bunch more comic reports I got to get through. ;) Glad you are enjoying them man.

  5. Very awesome. Somehow I followed the link to Sector Six and then forgot to come back here. Great report, made greaterer by those wacky movie posters. I might need to find or make some for Necromunda.

  6. What an awesome battle and a great example of old-school narrative gaming! You guys rock!

  7. Great stuff Grove, but all I can take from this post is how hilarious Sylvester Stallone looks in that Hellboy outfit. LMAO :DDDDDD

    1. HAHAHAHAHA That's the first one I found, and said to myself there has to be more of these. ;)

  8. Epic! I need tissues and then a whisky. And then I want to watch that alternate version of Ghostbusters! :)

  9. Great comic, I am loving this story, been following you guys for ages now. Keep up the great work, as my hobby stuff is in storage indefinitely...I live vicariously through you!

  10. Fantastic work. I managed to miss it when first published, but I'm very glad I finally caught it.

    1. Thanks Jason! This was such a fun campaign. Glad you got a chance to read up on it. ;)

  11. These are wonderful, thanks so much for sharing! Wall Tiling Castle Hill

  12. Catching up with this now. Totes amazeballs as the yoof say.
