Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Monday, November 6, 2017

Reich to the Rancor

G'day M8' you like vampires, do you like nazi zombies, how about bikini babes who are friends with rancors?

If you are then read along as Count Grabbo is up to his old tricks...
and has somehow released Nazi Zombies into Adventure Land!

At the moment he is in pursuit of a feral bikini babe, who holds the knowledge of where a Rancor is.

Got the idea for this game/comic from Blitz Cadet
 This months submission for Plant-Pulp- Feb.'s theme was 'Rescue a Princess' --
and while going for a Frazetta/Bisley style fake cover, I started wishing I could do a whole comic for this dude... a zombie biker who's brought back from the dead by an indian witch doctor to seek revenge on some bad guys... I guess then at some point he must go on to save scantily clad ladies from cannibal mutants. (maybe someday)---

My paint scheme was inspired by Paul/Golfag1 
Ya I know let's get on to the comic report. ;)

Hope you enjoyed it, catch ya on the flipside M8's!


  1. Awesome nonsense Tomahawk. This shit takes the biscuit!

    1. Thanks buddy! This one was a fun one and really opens up some narrative. ;)

  2. I love these comic offerings of yours and this was one of your best yet. I'm so in love with Pocahontas 2000 - what a babe!

    1. Thanks Bryan! You will be seeing lot's more of her. I mean in the comics....not nudity well erm you know what i mean. LOL

  3. Was this a game you played Grove? I love that little purple Predator, where's he from? That blitzcadet has some sexy artwork man! Cool comic mate :)

    1. It sure was Mr. That Predator is from LAF Astropolis range. Blitz Cadet is one of my faves. There is some inspiring art work as well. Glad you enjoyed it M8

  4. Who wouldn't love a story where there's Nazi Zombie killing!
    Up to your usual high standards Airborne!

  5. Lost in all this nonsense; some great terrain and nice pictures!

  6. Must kill zombie nazi vampires! As a plus there's bikini biker babes. I'd love to continue that story.

  7. Nosferatu, Pocahontas, Tomahawk... sounds like a 70's glamrock ballroom affair.

    Solid stuff mate. Looking forward to the next installment.

    1. Thanks Dai! I got some cool stuff in the pipe...stay tuned
