Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Monolith-con Comic: Graveskul, Hit the Beach!!!

G'day M8's!  Well another Monolith-con is in the books.  What better way to wrap up the weekend then knocking out the first comic report.

Up first is our Saturday Showcase game, of a huge siege in Graveskul on a 16'x4' table.  With defenders landing on beaches, and Attackers using Castle Greyskull as a base.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Reich to the Rancor

G'day M8' you like vampires, do you like nazi zombies, how about bikini babes who are friends with rancors?

If you are then read along as Count Grabbo is up to his old tricks...
and has somehow released Nazi Zombies into Adventure Land!

At the moment he is in pursuit of a feral bikini babe, who holds the knowledge of where a Rancor is.