Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Eternian Flame: Muffman

G'day M8's!  Back in August, Asslessman over at the Scale Creep proposed that we indulge in a bit of nostalgia with a group project in homage to the most heroic of 1980s heroes: He Man.  Well duh if it's He Man I had to be involved.  LOL  I went with a bit of Halloween Horror Slasher Film angle. ;)

Muffman was a forgotten character on a forgotten cartoon from the 80s.  After only his second episode ever, he was abandoned in the woods.  There were rumors and sightings.  Then he was all but forgotten never to be seen again...till now!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Orktober: Chibi King Tiger for meh Orks

I was recently made aware of Meng Models World War Toon line of chibi tanks by my buddy Mustafa, and they looked like a perfect addition to the game table.  When I saw the King Tiger I had to have one. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Orktober- Ork Tower

G'day M8's....Ya fancy an ork tower?

Well I needed an ork tower for my beach landing board.

 I built one of these as a kid, but it was long gone.

 I decided to make a new one, and banged this out over a weekend.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Graveskul Watchtower

G'day M8's you might remember me starting a watch tower for Castle Graveskul if not look Here.
Finally got some time to get some nice shots of it.  Enjoy.