Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Moawr Chaos Goonies

Yo M8's here are some new additions to Black Vasken's Goonie horde.

 First up is a new foot version.  I've discovered the joys of sculpting and did skull face on him to match the mounted version better.  He is wielding his lance even on foot.

 Next up is Thrud mounted on Sloth.  I'm thinking that I will change him to they can be Sloth and Chunk.

I did one before if you remember.  I just wasn't feeling him.  He is going to turn into Lord Havok...Vasken's formerly dead uncle.  Remember the one people really wanted.  Well now Mad Mort has him, and they have allied to Destroy Vaksen and Graveskul.

 Oh I forgot to mention....Lord Havok and Vasken really hate each other.  Kind of a family feud thing from when Havok killed Vaskens dad and married his mother and ran him out of the kingdom.  Sad stuff for ol' Vasken,  But those are tales for another day. ;)

The army is set now.  With two divisions and a screening force of hounds.  Then characters Vasken, Chunk & Sloth, Snarf, and She-Mumra


  1. That Thrudd conversion is an utter failure! He should have been five times bigger, so that it looks like the dragon is a kids blow up toy :DDD

    Just kidding, he's ace man! incredibly unique and fuck off awesome!

    I love the Slime Pit add, did no one at marketing realise that it just looks like a massive load of jizz has been dumped on him?

    Army is getting bigger mate, where is the end? Very far away I hope, wanna see moooooore!!!

    1. HAHAHAHA Bigger muscles smaller dragon. I thought the idea of having a big serpent between his legs was pretty good. I failed fam I utterly failed. LOL

      Ya that slime pit is all about jizz. Not sure who they were kidding with that one.

      I think this about wraps it up. I don't want it to become to unwieldy. It probably is at this point anyway. But who knows. Btw dont you need to get organizing your chaos???? You could be doing that while not painting. Send pics I wanna see. ;)

  2. Loving the new additions mate. Your sculpting is getting better, the skull face is super cool.

    My memory of those He-Man commercials didn't match the real thing apparently. Gawds they were awful...

    *figures not included*

    1. Thanks Dai...I'm still a bit to impatient with the greenstuff, but I'm getting there. I was pleased with how the skull turned out. I'm going to keep plugging away on it. It's actually more fun then I was expecting.

      Awful....yet hilarious. ;)

  3. ok, the Uncle marries the Mom, kid finds out Uncle murdered Dad.

    I never get tired of these family oriented stories. :)

    Great army, and I've really enjoyed watching this army get built.

    1. Especially when it brings families back from the dead. 👻👻👻

      Very much appreciated. 😉

      Now I need to clean up and get some games done.

  4. Very Shakespearean. I'm lost as to who Havok is. Is he the one I wanted you to call Sexecutioner? It just occurred to me that I have a Chaos force I started for Herohammer and never finished. You know, the one with Harold the Herald of Tzeentch.

    1. He is Black Currant from Zombicide Black for the name I came up with that one. I think so, but I'm a bit foggy on that one. Yus you need to get that finished!!!!

  5. This completely comes across as a back-handed compliment, but fuck it:

    The nice thing about the old Citadel ranges is that they're so shonky you can legitimately sculpt new parts on them without them looking jarringly bad.

    1. HAHAHAHA I can agree with that. They do take my poor sculpting well dont they? ;)
