Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Monday, January 16, 2017

Moawr Zombies and Boobz

G'day M8's  we are back on a zombie kick starting off the new year.  LoL  Kickstarting see what I did there? Inspired by several posts by Bryan Scott, I had to track down some of these zombie ladies.

Related image

Much like last year, zombies seem to always start my hobby year.  I think it's because you can just rip through them, because when you have a 200+ horde on the table the little details get lost anyway.

Everybody ready to do thriller?

Get your popcorn and cola

Dance Dance Dance

Moawr Dancing

The king of Zombie Pop with Zombie Tramp and moawr hoochies
These are mostly toxic city walkers, with a few of the Black Plague Npc's lady thrown in.  I'm not to worried about mixing my zombie genres.  When the horde is out I want them all on the table!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA

If you didn't pop over and check out Bryan's blog you totally should.  It's filled with lot's of cool stuff that I enjoy.  Plus he has recently discovered Comic Life so will be doing Comic reports as well!!!!

Also inspired from Bryan's post about Zombie Tramp I decided to get myself a copy.  Pretty entertaining stuff. ;)

Zombie Boobs are the best!  LOL


  1. Oh, man, Tom, you have really made my day. Where to start? First up, many thanks for the shout out for my own blog. Very much appreciated. Secondly, you clearly adhere to my own philosophy that you can never have too many zombies. The bigger the horde the better, I say. There's nothing wrong with mixing and matching zombies from different companies or time periods. I do it all the time. Thirdly, I am so glad you have discovered "Zombie Tramp". Her comics won't be to everyone's taste, that's for sure, but I love everything about this series - gore, nudity, gore, excessive violence, gore, comedy, and did I mention gore? Janey Belle can bite me any time! Finally, it's true, I will be doing lots more Comic Life posts on my blog. It's such a great way to showcase a batrep. I wish you well, pal!
    PS. I have read every one of your posts these past couple of days. Truly inspired! I share your wacky sense of humour and enthusiasm for the hobby, the way it should be played. Never forget the first rule of gaming - HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Well Bryan your comment made my day! No problem on the shout out. ;) And Zombie Tramp is so good! I think you got all the points of reading that comic covered there. LOL
      So Glad we are going to be seeing more Comic reports. They really make for a fun read.
      And much appreciated reading through all my posts. Glad you enjoyed them, and happy that you are sticking around for more. :)

  2. Best blog post title you freaking painting machine.

  3. I have a decent sized zombie horde, but I can never bring myself to put paint on them. Always one more project that jumps the queue. I applaud your perseverance.

    1. Thanks Major! I totally understand. This latest flurry has left me a bit wore out. I might take a break a little painting break till next month. ;)

  4. Loads of zombies....and boobz.....

  5. I wonder if spelling it boobz will somehow dampen the boobs effect on your stats. Bryan is the zombie master, hands down. As I've flailed around in the hobby I have not followed the zombie gamers as much as I once did. I'll have to check in with him. Bryan + Comic Life should = awesome!

    1. Most likely but I wanted to keep the "z" for theme. ;)
      His last report was stellar! I'm expecting good things in the future!

  6. Ever thought of basing 10 or so on one big CD-sized base to make moving the horde around the table easier ingame?

    Solid additions though mate. I hope to get my own collection painted up this year, though it pales in comparison to your 200+!

    1. I have....but just never have. LOL I guess moving all of them singley around reminds me of my childhood moving all my dad's plastic airfix figures around. Looking forward to seeing your progress that one looked really good!!!!
