Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Friday, December 30, 2016

Give'em Lead 2016: A year in Review

G'day M8's!  2017 is almost upon us, and I thought I would look back t some of the more popular posts from this year.

Waaaaagh Space Orks:  Which reminds me I need to get cracking on these.

Me and Zero23's Giant Battle: A truly epic game, one of the highlights of my year.

The homemade Heart of Woe:  Because every Oldhammer game should have explosions!

Thrudd's sidescroll adventure: A great idea inspired from Crooks and Asslessman, something I need to try again.

Oh and let's not forget my interview with Nigel Stillman:  The highlight of my Oldhammer venture thus far. ;)

Then here are some posts that I really enjoyed doing, and maybe you missed them as they didn't get a lot of stat love.

Graveskul is born:  Creating this town has sent my Oldhammer hobby into overdrive!

Creating Leveled up Black Vasken & Snarf: The two miniatures I am most proud of this in 2016

Space Hulk Historicon:  By far the most well run, and imaginative multi player game I have ever participated in.  I got a chance to play this twice this year at two separate events with James/Kronos.  If you ever get  a chance take it!!!
So there you go M8's what did you think?  Is there anything you want to see moawr of in 2017?  Do let me know in the comments below. Cya next year! ;)


  1. A great hobby year indeed. I would definitely love to see more campaigning in Graveskul, and your rule mods for doing it.

  2. Just do more of the same mate, I enjoy all of it.

    Merry new year! Nurgle's be upon you!

    1. Supposed to say Nurgle's blessings, but my snotty sneezing face is clouding my senses...

    2. And may Khorne Shower you with blud! I certainty wont change a thing! ;)

  3. Just keep it coming mate and have a great new year!

    1. You got it Riot ville!!! ;) Happy new year buddy!!!!

  4. I want to see me, fighting to the grim death on the porch of the famous Combat Burgers.
