Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Snarf Snarf Snarf, Vasken gets a new companion.

Bulldoglopez got me the manticore from the Dieter Helsnicht pack.

But I wasn't to keen on this miniature.  I wanted to be really, but he really needed something.

Then inspiration struck while driving with my daughter. She was watching Thundercats on her dvd player in back.  I know she is four and loves Thundercats!!!  Anyway as children do they get hooked on an episode and bury it into the ground.

Well she got stuck on the episode where Snarf turns him into Snarfra!  There it was! I must make Snarf!

So with some free time this weekend, I set to work.

Little bit of grey stuff, and some flock

I tried to match Snarf and my Army as best I could

On to the painting!
Here he is finished.  I am very pleased with how he turned out!

Now to get him in a battle!!!
Coming next issue...Comic Reports from Monolith-Con!!!!


  1. Brilliantly bonkers. Another great figure for the warband!

  2. Seriously?? This is so awesome!! :O

  3. I don't know how you manage it but you have taken it to the next level. :)

  4. looks baller, man. I love the WIP pics, too

    1. Thanks Anthony! Ya I'm going to try and include more of those in my posts. I'm kinda bad about that. LOL

  5. Nicely done! I had that mini years ago and converted it for my Skaven army by giving it rat-like incisors and replacing the rider with a Skaven Hero. Strangely, I have no idea where that model went (it may have escaped into the house and is roaming about at night)!

    1. Thanks! And I hope that's If you ever catch him would love to see pics. ;)

  6. great use of flocking!!! Well done, sir.

  7. Flippin brill mate! Well done making a turd of a miniature look sweet-as.

  8. Fantastic conversion
    Your chaos dwarf allies should start doing a headcount EVERY morning.

    1. Excellent idea! Roll call be in formation at 0400!!! ;) BUt then that's Snarf's prime hunting time...oh boy!!!!

  9. Mental! Great execution of the conversion to complete your vision of Snarf. I think I have yet to play against you. Time to up my meta.;)

    1. Thanks dawg! I know we always seem to miss each other with our free time. It will be our mission to BATTLE!!!!
