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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Space Hulk Battle Report:Venture Hulk (Historicon 2016)

Hello dear readers.  Today I have the pleasure of giving you Venture Hulk an excellent game ran my The MechaniCon Gm'd by Kronos Lee, and Lorenzo O'Branty.  These guys ran one of the best multi player games I have ever been in.  Well enough of me gushing...let's get to the action.  Enjoy!


  1. Brutal! I'm kind of liking the green stealers. I'm interested to hear Wulfpez's take on what happened. Did he really Oregon Bird Sanctuary it? Hopefully we'll have an epic game of SH in October.

    1. Lol yes he total Oregoned it lol. Ya the paint jobs on everything were very inspiring. I had to get on Ebay and get some to do Tiger Claws.

  2. Man now that is a serious game of HULK!!! fantastic!! Great report too...I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!

    ...Lopez...always with the snacks...

  3. That was a fucking meatgrinder full of awesome!

  4. Great hulk report, loved the cartoon style.

  5. I don't think we even finished one game of the original space Hulk. Everyone always died. Nasty like genestealers are supposed to be.
    Nice writeup.

    1. Thanks Dai. I would have to agree. Stealers win a lot. But I still love being the termies. Lol

    2. Always felt it was pretty silly when they introduced rules for regular marines. They fared even worse off than the termites!
