Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Oldhammer invades Historicon 2016

So for those of you not in the know me and Bulldoglopez planned to meet up at Historicon for 4 days of rampaging Oldhammer madness!  We lasted three days before we were told to go home.  LOL  Actually more like the 12 hour drive home that said go to sleep Grove!  Doh

I was a total geek and got these shirts made up for Lopez in honor of being Banned from the Oldhammer Facebook page. LOL

Got to meet some other New World Oldhammerer's...some wearing our swanky 2016 shirt.  I think on Saturday there were a total of 4 shirts on the vendor floor.  Good work boys, it made it easy to identify you. 

Special shout out to Sean for getting these done.  Kisses dawg!
Finally got to meet Rob O, talked to Nigel and Rusty in the vendor hall.  Hung out with Kober Thu. and Fri.  Met Steve Severino and Ben White as well both wearing the Old Bean shirts!!!

Of special note I finally got to visit with Clarence Harrison in person and got to see his gorgeous table in person as well as some awesome minis. Do yourself a favor and check out his wonderful blogs.

Clarence, my dad Dave, and Barry Hilton

Such an awesome board!

Love this painting style
Me an Lopez got a chance to play some 3rd edition Warhammer Thu night with 2 reports incoming.

One an open battle, the other a city fight.

Those games were quite a hit with those passing by, especially three very nice gentleman visiting from Argentina.

Fri was Rogue Trader or Rouge Trader by your Ebay searches, with Lopez working on two reports. A pirate duel, and what turned into a pig slaughter. LOL

Fri also saw me making a ghost ship at the HMGS terrain building table. This ship really inspired me, and I had to have one kinda like it.  Still needs a little more work.  Will update that project with it's own post. ;)  Yes you read that right Ghost Ship!

Sat was a lot of last minute shopping an awesome Space Hulk game which will have its own comic report shortly and a bit of Blood Bowl!  Which was new and fun, and after I got the hang of things I think it is something I could get into.

James and Lorenzo are some of the best GM's ever they ran an excellent game!!!

Oh and I almost forgot we got to take a selfie with Jeremy Vetock.  He was very kind in allowing it. LOL

 Jeremy Vetock you say?  Yes Jeremy Vetock from the U.S. White Dwarf staff shown here in issue #200.

Terminator armor is appropriate as we were playing Space Hulk when we met him.

Historicon was a great time, and am hoping to attend next year.  So fellow Oldhammerer's and Followers mark your calendars so you can be in attendance and have an awesome time with us the Bad Boyz of Oldhammer...we Banned of Brothers!

Stay tuned for more action comic reports in the near future!


  1. AW, you guys are so cute together! That looks like a fucking ridiculous amount of fun! Looking forward to the upcoming write ups too, especially the space hulk one. I've been getting the itch to heavy flamer the shit out of some genestealers lately, and I've got a squad of terminators to do for the howling griffons anyway... The list just gets longer..

    1. Thanks Rochie! If only you would have been here,oh what fun we would have had! Space hulk report is going to be a fun on the look out for that one.

  2. It was a great time and hopefully we can get more Oldhammerers out there next year to do more than just buy shit. LET'S PLAY SOME MUTHAFUCKIN GAMES!!!

    1. But buying things and thinking about gaming Oldhammer Muwhahaha

  3. Besos! Looks like an awesome time. I've already planted the seed for going next year. Maybe we can make it a family trip.

  4. Historicon was a great time, though I didn't get in any Oldhammer games. I DID see Thomas' table and it was fantastic. It was good to meet you and Bulldog!

    1. Likewise man! You should Plan on coming to Oldhammer day. I need to battle those chaos!

  5. I wish Historicon was closer to NorCal. Reports I read (Whether on historical games I play or otherwise.) always sound and look so fun.

    Glad you had a sterling time mate. Blood Bowl pictured is the proper job one, the only one. Can't wait to get into it with my son (I brought my copy back from my Mum's in the UK earlier this year.) - just got to repaint my teams!

    1. I wish it was closer for you as well. Thanks, and yes for my first experience with Blood Bowl I will say it was pretty Baller! LOL see what I did there...;)

  6. Well You guys sure know how to put on a show !

    1. All the credit goes to Lopez all his rowdy rubs off on me...tehe tehe LOL

  7. That Space Hulk game looks SO FRIKKIN COOL!

    1. It was!!! It's going to be a fun report to write/read. ;)
